Quizzes & Puzzles42 mins ago
Stop Cameron Spending Our Money On Pro Eu Leaflets Petition
64 Answers
There are already over twice the signatures needed on this Government petition but at least it registers people's concern. Please sign it. This is a travesty.
https:/ /petiti on.parl iament. uk/sign atures/ 1505914 9/verif y/5XrOw QE2AmXl iuiD1cV f
“The Government is in favour of staying in the EU.” Regardless of the leaflet, this is where I part company with Mr Cameron. He made it quite clear that if he did not secure fundamental reform of the EU he would recommend that the UK’s best interests lie outside. Despite his constant references to a “ reformed” European Union, by any stretch of the...
16:57 Mon 11th Apr 2016
///Cameron only promised a referendum to prevent a landslide UKIP vote, because they had threatened the very same. ///
Yes, togo, and the last thing he expected was having to honour that pledge. If he didn't lose the election, not having a referendum would have been blamed on his coalition partners. Imagine his initial euphoria on election night draining away with the grim realisation that he had an unexpected outright majority and could no longer blame the Liberals for all his weaknesses and failures.
Yes, togo, and the last thing he expected was having to honour that pledge. If he didn't lose the election, not having a referendum would have been blamed on his coalition partners. Imagine his initial euphoria on election night draining away with the grim realisation that he had an unexpected outright majority and could no longer blame the Liberals for all his weaknesses and failures.
^And stick this i the envelope too;
http:// a.disqu scdn.co m/uploa ds/medi aembed/ images/ 3486/74 64/orig inal.jp g
Did you know that you can be chucked out of the commons for calling Dodgy Dave 'Dodgy Dave'.
http:// www.msn .com/en -gb/new s/uknew s/denni s-skinn er-gets -chucke d-out-o f-commo ns-for- calling -camero n-dodgy -dave/a r-BBrCt 2B?li=B BoPWjQ
Svejk the bit about 'have to accept it' is rubbish. They will get a card saying that an unpaid item addressed to them is waiting at the sorting office. They can then choose to go and pick it up or not, you are even allowed to look at the post item and pick it up but not look inside before you decide to pay the postage or not. That is the policy for all unpaid items addressed to anybody anywhere in the UK. The Post Office WILL NOT deliver the item, only a card saying the item is waiting at the sorting office. So if anyone wants to waste time doing it just realize they will not even see it ! It will just p*** off the postie. Same would apply if you decide to return an item un-stamped to the 'leave' headquarters as well !
Svejk Referendum funding information here
http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ news/uk -politi cs-eu-r eferend um-3593 0898
Now can we stop this nonsense that only the 'stay' side get official funding!
The problem for the 'leave' side is that they are still fighting among themselves ( 3 groups all fighting each other) as to which will be designated the official 'leave' group and get the cash! They have until Thursday 14th April to make up their minds !
Now can we stop this nonsense that only the 'stay' side get official funding!
The problem for the 'leave' side is that they are still fighting among themselves ( 3 groups all fighting each other) as to which will be designated the official 'leave' group and get the cash! They have until Thursday 14th April to make up their minds !