Each time this sort of discussion crops up, I post a version of the same response - so here it is again.
The majority of issues that afflict society stem from one core issue - lack of respect.
There is lack of respect for authority, for other people, and the core is a lack of self respect.
The answer is simple - switch the vast amount of funding that goes into further education, where it often wasted and misused, and switch it to pre-school and nursery education.
If you can start a generation with a built-in understanding of appreciation of self and others, then that will filter into a teenage and adult population who appreciate differences, and respect and care for other people, in contrast the uniformly selfish and self-centred attitudes that poison modern society and culture.
This will take a couple of generations to work, and it will never ever happen.
Because governments only like spending on something that can wave at voters at the next election, not something with will benefit future governments, even though a bigger forward vision will sort out the issues, politicians are rampant short-termists.
In addition - nursery education is not 'sexy' for politicians - you only have to examine the pay rates for staff charged with forming the attitudes and personalities of future teens and adults - they earn minimum wages, which is never going to attract the calibre of people you need for something as fundamentally essential as guiding a future generation into being decent productive human beings.
While successive governments deride, ignore, underfund and underestimate the value of pre-school and nursery education, you will continue to have nurseries staffed by young people who vaguely think they like children, and aren't sure what else to do.
We need professional motivated trained people to run properly funded maintained and valued pre-school and nursery centres to build the proper trust and attitudes in small children, so they can take those aptitudes with them into adulthood, and start to repair the damage that