I was wondering how long it would take for AB's very own "I apparently haven't noticed at all that the Republican party Trump's been busy destroying is hardly known for its left-wing muesli obsession" TTT to post.
Indeed, ironically, Trump is probably more left-wing on some things than he realises. Although, having said that, I'm not sure anyone really knows what Donald J Trump stands for, apart from Donald J Trump. On policy issues he's been vague, or resorted to pithy soundbites; and whenever he has been definite he usually changes his mind the very next day, if not sooner.
Now that he is in a position to run for the office, Trump will have the chance to actually explain what he stands for. Until then, the "left-wing muesli eaters" are, along with most of America, fearful not so much of his policies (the Wall and the (unconstitutional) ban on Muslim immigration notwithstanding) but his personality. That is not a left-wing fear. As the entirety of the race to date has proved, that is a fear from across the political spectrum.