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Government Climbdown Over Forced Academies Plan In England

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mikey4444 | 16:19 Fri 06th May 2016 | News
60 Answers

Another humiliating climb down for this Tory Government.

To quote Morgan :::: "This was about the government listening, she said, adding ministers understood top schools should retain the choice on whether to convert"

Oh yes, the Government listened all right, but only to its own Tory Councils who objected, not the rest of us.


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ah, baz changing the subject instantly, I see!
16:25 Fri 06th May 2016
OG, I also think it's good news, but I can understand if government policymakers do not.

It's said of the French education minister that he can look at his watch and know exactly what is being taught in every school in the country at that instant. I don't really want to see British edeucation going the same way.
incidentally, mikey, there is some good yet to come out of the London mayoral election

Katie Hopkins @KTHopkins
If Sadiq Khan wins London, I will run naked down Regent Street with a sausage up my bum in protest #LondonMayor2016
Fair enough, but the education minister ought to know what will be covered that year in each subject so everyone has a minimum standard and equal education.
Mikey has ducked and dived all over AB today to avoid discussing Labour's poor performance yesterday. He has to find something to crow about.
Even Gromit is outperforming him with the predictions.Trump is covering Mikey's face with egg again .He hasn't wiped the egg off face from his last disasterous predictions prior to the General election. Mikeys world of politics is collapsing around him since jezza became his master. We should cut him some slack :-(
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It looks as if Khan may win, and obviously, I would be delighted if he does.

But the thought of Katie Price running naked anywhere, with sausage or not, is not a very pleasant one, and I will be missing out on this treat !
Do we have a result for the London mayoral election?
I agree, OG, but there's only so much micromanagement can do. The evidence that academies actually make for a better education seems deeply wobbly. The government is welcome to set the curriculum, but but beyond that perhaps it (and I don't just mean the current one) should try a little less control freakery.
I don't know, I'd take Katie Price running around naked over Katie Hopkins at least.
The Conservatives are listening... Conservative Councils and Councillors who say it is a daft idea.

The main beneficaries of Free Schools and Academies are religious nutjobs who can set up classes and carry out their indoctrination outside the scrutiny of local authorities. Why the Extreme rightwing Tories are in favour of them is strange.
not for another hour or so, retrocop, but psephologists are saying that on the count so far it's mathematically impossible for Khan to lose. It looked earlier as if it was about 55% to 45%, but that could move in either direction.
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Retro.....Labour did far from have a poor performance yesterday.

They won all three by-elections, are still the most popular Party in Wales
( and certainly more popular than the Tories ! ) and managed to hang on to a lot more Councils in England than they were predicted to do. It is also looking increasingly likely that they will have won the bid for London's Mayor.

Yes, they could have done better but just 12 months after an GE defeat, and after the Election of Corbyn ( by a landslide ) they have managed to do not so badly after all.
Errrr how can they have a good day after their shocking performance in Scotland?
Corbyn's own mp's are blaming him for the loses!!
What about the Barnet fiasco? I thought it was going to some judicial review.Many people were turned away to legally register their vote. Sounds like 3rd world politics.? Wrong polling registers at the stations!!!
I think the Tories bigged themselves up a bit far. They were licking their lips over the likelihood of Corbyn being slaughtered, and it didn't happen. They've actually done quite well for a governing party between general elections, when many would be losing votes; but instead they've turned the story into "Corbyn does okay" rather than "We do okay".
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Beg pardon jno....I am getting my Katie's mixed up !
retrocop, they had the right lists by 10.30 in the morning. I don't know what they're doing about it (I agree, what a ridiculous mess) but I doubt that any review will see the early-morning Barnet vote reversing the outcome.
// its on the national news and you just c & p it on here non stop , its like having deja vu // bazil

yes Baz - reading one of your posts is like having deja vu all over again ( thx to Louis B Mayer )

Oh yes, the Government listened all right, but only to its own Tory Councils who objected, not the rest of us.
govt - listening to tory voters - schlock horror !
they're easy to tell apart, mikey - just look for the sausage.
It isn't going to happen and the people who didn't want it to happen are still complaining. Strange.

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