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Humiliating Performance By U K I P In The London Mayoral Race

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mikey4444 | 18:54 Fri 06th May 2016 | News
91 Answers

With 13 out of 14 results now in, UKIP can only manage 3.7% of the vote.


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Yes comrade, despite the Jewish conspiracy, the Nazi press and the fascist BBC, our glorious leader led us to resounding victories on all fronts. Roll on 2020 and the end of capitalism.
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Gromit (03:24)...of course you are right....Labour did much better than we all expected, and now we have Sadiq Khan as London Mayor, with the largest mandate ever given to a politician in UK history.
// with the largest mandate ever given to a politician in UK history //

I cannot be bothered to fact check that, because I know it is 100% untrue, without looking.
In 2000, Livingstone got 57.9% of the vote.
In 2016, Khan got 56.9% of the vote.

So wasn't Ken's mandate bigger?
Gromit, I don't know if any boundary changes may have been involved, or if it was simply more people going to the polls, but Sadiq got about twice as many votes as Ken did in 2000 (1.53m to 776,000). Boris got just over 1m last time. That may be the basis of the claim.
1.53m? It's going up. Did the Islamabad votes come in this morning?
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In 2000, Livingstone only got 776,427 votes, against Khan's
It is worth remembering andthe Referendum Party.

In the 1997 General Election, they beat UKIP in 163 (out of 167) seats they both contested.

And who financed and ran the loons that were the Referendum Party?
- Step forward SirJames Goldsmith, Zacs father.
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Does anybody remember Robert Kilroy-Silk and his early involvement with UKIP ?

Whatever happened to him I wonder ?
Hilarious, mikey pointlessly copies Jno's numbers. How can you tell? They're both wrong.

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