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Boiling Water Poured On Sevenoaks Couple In 'horrendous' Burglary

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mikey4444 | 13:15 Sat 07th May 2016 | News
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Its not often I am stuck for words but .......


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Words fail me, what I would like to do to those three men would get me locked up for life.

I hope the catch the ***, and give them an appropriate jail term.
The people who did this are not normal. There's robbery and then theres sadism. This was a sadistic crime carried out by people who could be described as s̶o̶c̶i̶o̶p̶a̶t̶h̶s̶ psychopaths.

They tortured this couple.

When caught, they deserve the maximum sentence available.

"Not GBH Retro ? I am surprised" If Aggv'd burglary was the index offence charged in this case mikey, then the other offences can still be added to the indictment e.g, charged - Agg Burglary, GBH and false imprisonment etc.
I would arrest and confidently present my evidence to the custody officer on the facts from the link. I have been happy years ago to present and prosecute such an offence at Crown Court.
Now we have the grave interference of the CPS aka Criminal Protection Service and police officers no longer prosecute their own cases at court then the evidence in this link would probably be down graded to a common assault as the CPS are too incompetent to present a case for the prosecution.
I was reading the other day about a young lad in the 1930's who pinched some apples from a tree. he could "choose" whether to go to a reform school, which was horrendous in those days, or to be deported to Canada to serve hard labour there. Not for one moment would I wish those days back, but good lord, how things have changed.

//This rather implies that the offence is to carry a weapon, but in the case in question, actual torture and bodily harm was done to the victims.//

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Not GBH Retro ? I am surprised//

You wouldn't be so surprised if you read the link correctly and read the ingredients of Sec10 Theft Act 1968 correctly!

No prizes for guessing what is likely to happen to them in prison if they are caught.
Unfortunately Retro, the police started changing for the worse about 10-15 yrs ago with the interference of political correctness (and other demands from the modern western-left types). This resulted in the police recruiting the wrong people for the wrong jobs for the wrong reasons and and eventually became less effective in many operational areas including the standard of prosecution evidence and so on. This is probably why the CPS had to take control of that area and then later place CPS 'gateway' officers at most police stations to give early advice. Anyway, my opinion is most prosecutions that fail would likely be because investigating officers/ case officers have failed to find and provide the high quality of evidence expected by the courts.

Police officers out of probation rarely receive any further crim/police law input, probably as all available education time is taken up by the constant and unhelpful diversity courses.
Unfortunately all very true. Few officers no little more than rudimentary aspects of the law and get very little court experience. They just tick boxes all day on a mountain of CPS forms and hope they are not required to step into the witness box themselves
'Know' typo
i cant read anything like this it sends me into depression for hours
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Its simply dreadful Ivor...the world can be a 'orrible place sometimes !
Years ago - the back of the bicycle sheds sufficed to sort out thugs before they got out of hand - a swift swipe around the ear worked wonders - maybe time to bring it back again?

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