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Was The British Empire Good Or Bad?

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anotheoldgit | 10:40 Sun 08th May 2016 | News
72 Answers
Just been watching The Big Question on BBC1, today it was about The British Empire.

Judging by the ethnics in the audience it was bad, yet it is queer that although they kicked the big, bad, British out of their country, they have now chosen to live amongst here.

Yes they kicked us out without a mention of the word Racist, yet if we were to do likewise and now kick them out of our country, then that would be Racist.

Interesting to note that typically for the BBC, the ethnics got the highest number of persons slagging off the British, with only about two whites defending us.


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// I guess it was too much to hope that you were so complimentary about me :P// Jim360

yes I thought blimey at long last, Ni has had a lucid interval ......

Empire is the apotheosis of the bully state. If they can take what they want, they will.
And when she was good
She was very good indeed
But when she was bad
She was horrid!
She stood upon her head on her little truckle bed...
Peter Pedant, lucid intervals? Not your specialist subject.
I knew I'd find a reason to agree with you one day Naomi :-)
1ozzy, so did I. ;o)
Togo, it's not making excuses for an empire -- although, if you want to frame the EUSSR that way, then that makes anyone who talks about the British Empire in the manner of, say, TTT, more than a little hypocritical. Because *they* are the ones portraying the EU as an invading force, taking away our right to rule.

Except that a) they took nothing away from us that we didn't also choose, as a nation, to give, and b) we're literally just about to have the opportunity to leave it, if we so choose (and if we do choose to leave then we can, and in practice the only one who would stop that happening is the UK government if they chose to ignore the result of the referendum). Also, c) in the one case the "conquest" was achieved through force of arms, and in the other, if conquest there was at all, was agreed according to a set of rules which we had a role in shaping.

None of these is characteristic of an imperialist, oppressive regime. In as much as I am drawing a parallel between the two,it is only to draw attention to the ridiculously overblown hyperbole of some "out" campaigners.
I will leave the historians to say whether it was good or bad, but it was inevitable.

Its the same with the westward spread of settlers in America....that was called manifest destiny at the time. castigated me yesterday, for my remarks about a confusing post by AOG, but isn't this the same ?

"Peter Pedant, lucid intervals? Not your specialist subject"

Good for the goose but not the gander perhaps ?

Even more perhaps...practise what you preach ?

Its obvious to many of us, that PP doesn't not enjoy the best of health, and perhaps we should cut him some slack, don't you think ?
Portugese preceded Britain to India. Both were seafaring nations on explorative missions. If India built galleons the world would be different.

No, we dont apologise for our entreprenaurial ingenuity against India's development on the back of a half starved beaten donkey.
// "Peter Pedant, lucid intervals? Not your specialist subject"
Good for the goose but not the gander perhaps ?
Even more perhaps...practise what you preach ? //

no honestly no brake on freedom of speech - for a start I would miss their dopey comments...

and hey I am in remission this week - the sort of remission that requires radiotherapy but what the hell ! so ni wondering if I have lucid intervals or not is not high on my list of priorities. Thx for the thought tho

[ oo er hope I havent confused anyone ]
Wish you well PP, keep fighting - youre needed x
Question Author
And all the very best from me also Peter.
mikey, // Its obvious to many of us, that PP doesn't not enjoy the best of health, and perhaps we should cut him some slack, don't you think ?//

No, I don’t. Ill health is no excuse for persistent rudeness. His comments warrant response.
And all the best from me as well PP ! occurred to me that my remark at the weekend, about the Meds may have been a trifle harsh. It was meant light-heartedly but if I have offended you, then please accept my apologies !

There are some Bad Guys on AB but you are not one of them !
Please your self Naomi....I have given you an opportunity, but its up to you whether you take it of not.

///There are some Bad Guys on AB ///

Care to name them? Put up or shut up.
Mikey, 'YOU' have given me the opportunity? What on earth are you talking about?
///.I have given you an opportunity, ///

Show a bit of gratitude, Naomi. ;-)

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