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Breaking: Egyptair Flight Missing From Radar

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ChillDoubt | 04:51 Thu 19th May 2016 | News
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No, not really but compared to a lot of airports that this plane has visited in the last few days it is.
What is extraordinary about the online news coverage of this tragedy, is that though The Telegraph, The Independent and RT give it the main headline cover, the BBC sees a 'celebrity injunction' as being of higher importance.
Khandro, as has been said on the other thread, it is at the top on the BBC's web page. I don't know what you're looking at.
naomi. I think you are looking at 'Home' tab (at the top) I'm looking at 'UK'
Khandro, I answered you on the other thread.
That's right. UK news is generally UK specific. The plane is the lead story on the Home page and the World Page. It is second place on the UK specific page. That doesn't necessarily seem wrong to me although I'm amazed that the injunction story gets a mention at all, other than it highlights the oddity of our legal system and differences between England and Scotland
No point speculatin ATM.
fiction-factory; To my mind, it doesn't really matter which page it's on, a crashed passenger jet, presumed by an act of terrorism, is priority news everywhere. It must be a very weird editor who thinks otherwise.
It's not under Politics or Business either but you could say there is a connection to both.
Seems a bit strange that the aircraft did some sudden swerves before disappearing.
I don't know if this adds any information to what has already been posted.

//EgyptAir plane fell 22,000 feet, spun sharply before disappearance from radar: Greek defence minister//
The Egyptair flight is still top of the page on my BBC News website :::

What's with these sudden sharp turns.......any aviation experts on here this afternoon ?
a wing blown off? Mind you, losing a tail fin or the tail would do the same.

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