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19 People Rescued From Inflatable Boat In English Channel

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naomi24 | 07:58 Sun 29th May 2016 | News
85 Answers
Have the people traffickers opened a new branch in Calais?


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I wouldn’t say happy. More not bothered.
spot on bigbad, I want to know what exactly they are fleeing from in france.

Answers on the back of a postage stamp please.

Remember the RNLI and the navy are risking their lives unnecessarily to rescue these people.

That says all about you that I need or care to know Bigbad.
So you now know that I am not a “bleeding heart, welcome one, and welcome all person.”
You wanna judge me on that alone. O.K. Your choice.
turns out that 18 of those who were rescued from the channel last night were from that hotbed of tyranny and ultra-violence from which they were fleeing for their very lives....
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Albania. Right. No doubt sandyRoe and Mikey will be delighted that they've now safely arrived at their chosen destination.
They should be placed on the first flight back to Tirana as they're not refugees.
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How many are refugees?
Lunar House are best able to determine that.
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So I presume you've changed your mind now and don't want them all to come here?
Albania could soon be in the EU. Until it is it's citizens have no grounds to come here. Refugees are a different matter entirely
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And how are we to tell the refugees from the chancers? Let them all come here, as you suggested earlier, and then sort them out? That'll work!!

For how many of your beloved refugees is the UK the first safe Country they reach then Sandy?
//Lunar House are best able to determine that//

doubtless the albanian 18 are already on the train, tickets to east croydon clutched in their hands.

will they actually report to lunar house? what do you think?
I'd rather see them here alive with the certainty of being returned if their claim fails than staying, buried in anonymous graves after being fished from the sea.
The people who want to come often have family already here, speak the language, and may even look on the UK as the motherland. They'd be far happier here than in continental Europe.
//They'd be far happier here than in continental Europe. //

if it was up to you, is that the only entry requirement they'd need?
Does it really matter what you call them? Migrants, refugees, economic migrants, political refugees, wanderers, travelers, etc. In reality they are people attempting, and succeeding, to sneak into your country in order to take advantage of your munificent benefits.

Ok Sandy, so how many are you prepared to support when they get in?
They'd be far happier here than in continental Europe.
So does that mean we have to take every Thom, Ricardo or Hari from Europe who has a sob story? They've bypassed half a dozen countries in which they could have taken refuge in order to get here. Furthermore, I've no idea why an Albanian would see the UK as the 'motherland'!!??

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