Do you think the British Empire was a mistake?//
I think I have spent most of my life being forced to listen to the left wing, liberal, intelligentsia traducing the achievements of the British Empire, and England in particular, and insisting that it was an evil and reprehensible period in World history. It was apparently a system which enslaved and disenfranchised millions of people world wide and brought to them only misery and shame. Now I hear these very same anti British chatterers extoll the virtues of an Empire of the EUSSR, which is nothing short of an unelected gangster pyramid scheme which does far more damage, far quicker, with no means of being held responsible for their wickedness, to millions of people. Guess what though, the laughable (if they were not deadly serious) arguments they use to tout the EUSSR as a heaven sent gift to us all, are the exact same arguments they have used to denigrate the British Empire, but now in reverse. Fifth columnists all. The irony is breathtakingly ugly. British Empire bad, EUSSR Empire good.