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Jo Cox Mp Death: Thomas Mair In Court On Murder Charge

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mikey4444 | 14:46 Sat 18th Jun 2016 | News
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"Thomas Mair gave his name as "Death to traitors, freedom for Britain" when he appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court."

Now...where have I heard those words before ?


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Let's hope this guy is declared fit for a very long sentence at Her Majesty's pleasure. Jo Cox looked like to have been the bright spark, the Labour Party needs right now. Prison is too good for this evil guy.
18:17 Sat 18th Jun 2016
^^ I was reminded of that thread the second I heard the words spoken by Mair !! There are a few other on AB who have called people who want to remain in the EU 'traitors' as well, we all know who they are !
I just wish to add that IMO the referendum debate has seen a new low point in UK politics, not only on AB I hasten to add. I just can't wait for the entire affair to be over!
Sadly I feel even when the result is in the rancour will continue - this whole thing has caused a great divide and much anger.
I am only aware of the nastiness and name calling on AB actually. Quite sad really :-(
Eddie, then surely we must be honest and more open minded and look deeper to identify the root of the problem ? I don't believe it is racism, xenophobia or whatever.

I agree with you that we are seeing a new low in UK politics but it certainly is not confined to the Brexit side.
Some here have short memories. Forgotten the divisions and dirty low politics in the Scottish referendum? Police lines and violence in Glasgow as soon as the Stay vote was announced! Of course there are divisions. This will be the most important vote for my country in my lifetime!!!
I would just like to thank the person who removed a post of mine earlier. Like I said, I am Indian, my English is not yet perfect, so I question the use of a word and get moderated (is that right?) so, Thank You for making me welcome.
I was not aware you're post was removed, I can assure you it was not me I don't report posts.
I never said the 'low point' was confined to one side! Both sides have been reduced to personal insult and attacks on the 'intelligence' of their opponents.
I just want the entire thing to be over! The sooner this sorry affair is behind us the better.
Luv_The_Doc, If you want an explanation of any English words / phrases please come on here and ask, I and many others will be happy to help.

It did not occur to me that you would be a Moderator anneasquith.
Sorry Eddie I should have said that I know you personally didn't mean that but this tragic crime seems to pushing it that way. Sorry.
Don't worry about it, LTD. Getting a post removed ain't too difficult around this place. (and should, imo, be considered a badge of honour)
-- answer removed --
oops sorry, wrong thread.
Thank you Svejk, I shall wear it with pride (?) I think.
I am glad to have been away and off line for a while. This grotesque act was carried out by a man with obvious mental health issues, as widely reported. Our brethren on the "left" are usually so forthright in demanding help and compassionate care for such people. Not so in this case. We must hope that their quickly forgotten concern for the less lucid is not the real default setting, that cannot be over ridden, when a chance to tarnish and finger point presents itself. Perhaps it is time to remember that the warnings have been legion, regarding our trendy Liberal left's decades of ignoring the concern of "ordinary" people and their concern about unfettered immigration, and the dangers of far right organisations seeking to make capital with the genuine concern. If they are not prepared to countenance reasonable debate, they only encourage the unreasonable. I see that it was mentioned earlier on the thread that this was an attack on democracy and MPs may not hold their surgeries with their constituents, further hysteria, considering it happened out on the street and not within an appointed surgery venue. Remember all, that the far left is capable of "cracked thinking" also. Meanwhile 2 small children start their lives as motherless, whilst the virtue signallers puff their chests and blame anyone and everyone who disagrees with their narrow divisive agenda. Cheap and tawdry words are of no worth.
I think you are nearer the reality of issues Togo.
This individual seems pretty lucid and articulate to me. He's even done media interviews. Having mental health issues does not necessarily render you a gibbering idiot
LTD, it was not your post which was removed, it was mine. You asked which of two words was preferable and I came up with a third which is against Site Rules.It was very naughty of me and I have apologised.

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