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Are Brexiters Worried That What They Voted For...ain't Ever Gonna Happen?

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sp1814 | 19:26 Wed 29th Jun 2016 | News
77 Answers someone who was 'soft remain', I can see that the there is absolutely no way that the man/woman in the street is going to be allowed to dictate the financial security of the UK.

So...what do you think we will actually get from Brexit?

At best, a watered down version of what he majority voted for?

A hideous compromise?

At some point in the future, are we going to have to face the fact that Brexit cannot work, especially when a whole load of the Brexit camp will feel the reality of what they've done?


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Many of the Brexit slogans and aspirations involved the word "back" "Country back", "Soveignty back", etc. Generally "back" is not a good direction to go in, as Labour is finding now,having voted for an unreconstructed, aging Marxist as its leader.
20:00 Wed 29th Jun 2016
Great posts from old geezer and newjudge.
This is one of those occasions where I genuinely hope that I'm in the wrong, because right now, my financial future has been decided by morons.

Why don't you start using acronyms and cockney rhyming slang too you
"It is not only ridiculous but also insulting to suggest that Leavers did not know what they were doing"

Quite a few didn't NJ. And that is not necessarily an insult: it's simply the reality when you've got nothing really coherent. It;s a vote for "change" that is all, and that means different things to different people. So it doesn't mean they're wrong necessarily, and I am not suggesting they're all like that hapless bloke in Newcastle or wherever the other evening who was in dismay at what he had done :-)
judge: "It is not only ridiculous but also insulting to suggest that Leavers did not know what they were doing" - all 17+M of us are morons judge!
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'soft remain' is this...I voted for remain, but I wasn't 'rabid' about it. I didn't howl at the moon when we voted to leave.

If the decision went the other way, I wouldn't be turning cartwheels.

Possibly because I'm hitting 50, and turning cartwheels at my age is a recipe for disaster.
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Hey - you referred to the Remain camp as 'traitors'.

Fair's fair.
New Judge

//Most people who voted Leave were prepared to suffer the short term drawbacks of leaving for the long term gain that would ensue.//

As almost nobody knew what the short term, or even the longer term, drawbacks or gains would be, you assume too much.
Most had a fair idea and predicted as much. Not in detail obviously, but in general.
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Also, it has been stated on AB that young people have been brainwashed by left wing teachers, and didn't know what they were doing when they voted for Remain.

Is it not also likely that many Leavers were confused by the vote, because they thought it had something to do with Strictly Come Dancing?
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Only kidding with that last post.
Oh now it's clear. SP is one of those youngsters who has had their future ripped away from them !
I wouldn't be surprised if some put more thought into that choice sp!
Sounds as though his brain cell has been ripped away, og.
remember your thread here SP, try heeding.
The fairest vote we have ever had in living memory ie every vote counts and some people still cant accept it.
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Nope...I'm an old fella (is 50 'old' now), who had his mind made up by the Financial Times.
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I totally agree...what we need to do now is urge out leaders to get on with it.

Someone in the Tory party needs to hit the button on Article 50.

It should be done in the next week at the very most.

The longer it's left in the air, the longer the uncertainty continues.

That is absolutely the worst option.

We need to start making the decisions about:

- Fishing rights
- Farm subsidies
- Residential status for EU nationals
- Work status for EU nationals
- Residential status for UK nationals in the EU
- Rebates for EU subsidies already paid
- EU laws which are currently on the statute books
- Trade deals which are currently in force
- Status of refugees who have been guaranteed safe haven by EU diktats
- Trade deals which were due to become binding in the next 24 months
- And last but not least...Eurovision. I say we make it a clean break and start our own competition, where we at least have a chance of coming higher than 34th.
we ain't ready, however altruistic your thoughts may be - get our ducks in line first!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you NJ for saying what I wanted to say. A democratic vote is a democratic vote - anyone (or party) goes against it at their peril----------------and the peril of all of us as it would lead, inevitably, to civil unrest, and possibly civil war. (I hope that that remains in my mental projections, but it could happen.) People must respect the result of a vote and politicians must respect clearly expressed opinions.

Any chance they'll offer you a place on the renegotiation team?
I voted leave. I'm not a moron for doing that. Nor do I insult those who voted the other way, other than what do they expect asking for another try?

Morons are the ones who didn't vote. They didn't then, they won't again.

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