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So Now Jimmyk Wants To Be Involved In Vrexit Talks....

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ToraToraTora | 14:33 Fri 15th Jul 2016 | News
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AOG: "And it was also clear that from your referendum vote, you are still part of the United Kingdom. " - seems pretty clear to me maggie, Scotland had a vote in 2014 to decide whether to stay in the UK, they voted to stay.
Maggie. Let's bow out gracefully , LOL

/// AOG - could you explain why Scotland would not be involved in the EU referendum ///

Because it is up to the United Kingdom Government to get involved for us all, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

That is why it is called the United Kingdom, it's not rocket science.
Get Trump over to build the wall then let the Scottish have their independance.
Then no more whinging from them?
"Yes Anne, but a very important part. "

Quite so, maggie. But why any more important than, say, London (with twice the population and a squillion times the wealth and GDP?). London, of course, does not have the luxury of a devolved Parliament with all the powers that go with that. Furthermore, there is no suggestion that London should become an independent nation and apply to rejoin the EU as one (despite also voting overwhelmingly to remain). So where's the difference?
"The difference", NJ?
London never was an independent nation, nor has it ever had its own legal system, its own education system, its own church, its own literature, its own music...yes, I love the pipes!...its own language (in part at least), nor anything else that makes it "different" and independent from the rest of the UK or even England.
In other words, a separate, ancient and ongoing culture and 'history', if you like.
My last sentence above was a reference to Scotland, of course!
May made her point very well.."the people of Scotland remain in the uk " she only said she would listen to dear Nicola..NOT act....wee Nicky needs to pipe doon ..and stop this best out of three attitude...democracy dictates she accepts the will of the UK ..and stop the hissy fits 'cos SHE doesn't like it..

"The difference", NJ?
London never was an independent nation ///

And Scotland is no longer an independent nation and hasn't been since 1707, and that is the difference.
So, Anotheoldgit, are you under the impression that there is a religious organisation called The Church of London, on a par with the Church of England and Church of Scotland?
Does London have its own separate and quite different legal system from that of England? Does it have its own separate and quite different educational system from that of England?
Scotland has all three of these, you see, and has had for centuries. (That is, they have nothing to do with the relatively recent devolution.)
That is why Scotland is different from London; it has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Scotland is no longer an independent nation, but it has everything to do with the fact that things such as these ARE parts of the very fabric of "independent" Scottish life.

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