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Trump And H Clinton

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AB Editor | 13:12 Mon 01st Aug 2016 | News
123 Answers

Occasionally I see ABers talk about how Hillary is "no better than Trump" or in fact, that Trump is better than Hillary.

Can anyone tell me why they think this?


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I don't quite understand the logic either Ed, it's like 'Clinton is actually just as bad as Trump, therefore I want Trump to win' ok, how does that work exactly?
youngmafbog - //He says things as they are, I agree with many things he is talking about even if I dont agree with the way he sometimes puts it. But then he is appealing to the American people not me so he will use rhetoric they will appreciate. //

The difficulty is, saying things 'as they are ...' is the easy bit, as is the inference that you have all the answers.

But the reality is that life is never as simple as Mr Trump would like to suggest - if it was, then any President in office would have fixed them in one day and be sitting on the White House lawn with his (or her!) feet up.

Reality suggests that the issues that Mr Trump simplifies down to his infantile and unworkable solutions are vastly more complex, but to be told that everything is easy to fix and will be mended by the end of the first week is immensely appealing.

But so is the idea of a genie in a lamp!
does it matter who gets in as president..its not going to affect my daily life in any way!
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A shake up of the US powerbase would probably last for about 15 minutes though? Is he going to destroy the iron triangle? I can't imagine so.

(Iron triangle: )

You're right, HC is the conservative choice in a lot of ways.

But it's an ideological fit - and you've decided to look past what he's saying on a "you know what I mean" kind of level?
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//The difficulty is, saying things 'as they are ...' is the easy bit, as is the inference that you have all the answers.

Does that not describe all politicians?

Of course nothing will happen overnight. I must admit to not listening to all the speeches but those I have I cant say I have heard him saying that?
"jackboot" approach

Trying to insinuate he is a Nazi now eh?

What a surprise.
youngmafbog - //Trying to insinuate he is a Nazi now eh?

I don't think that needs to be insinuated - Mr Trump deliriously embraces the extreme right wing approach to politics.
jackboots is a metaphor, usually for totalinarianism. They have been used by lots of people other than the Nazis- even by the British
YMB - //Of course nothing will happen overnight. I must admit to not listening to all the speeches but those I have I cant say I have heard him saying that? //

As I opined during the Brexit debate on here - politics is all about perception.

If you can infer to the electorate that the root of the UK's problems is immigration, and a 'Leave' vote will prevent the Brussels enforcement of free movement - then you will get a Brexit vote.

It doesn't matter if that's reality or not, it's perception that is the key.

The same implies with Mr Trump - he is clever enough not to state that he has all the answers - and he is clever enough to infer that he does.

Perception - that's the key to votes.
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He's not a nazi, he just said he'd like a registry of all muslims in the US. :)

You have to admit, some of it sounds a bit fascistic?

BUT, he has the grace of people not really taking him seriously, and relying on the fact that the institutions he wants to give a kicking will restrain him. Which they might. Or might not.

The Primaries were weird, as it was the chance of the GOP to bring the party back to the centre, but Trump pushed it so far right that the only people who could run against him were also nutty. It leaves the party in a strange place, whether he wins or not.
With Trump what you see is what you get, he is not trying to be something, or shifting position depending on where, or who he is talking to. Ed's iron triangle illustration goes for every politician in any administration with a few changes of the names of the "interest" groups. Look a Cameron's "favours" recently handed out for his cronies.
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Perhaps the American voters have decided that they prefer the "clumsy" truth rather than the slick "obfuscation". Do we not have recent experience of the very same phenomena?
AB Editor, //Naomi mentioned that Trump is saying things Americans think, and agree with.

Could someone explain why THEY support Trump? What his redeeming features are?//

I think as far as his supporters go, speaking forthrightly and saying what they want to hear IS his redeeming feature. No more, no less.
Togo, //Perhaps the American voters have decided that they prefer the "clumsy" truth rather than the slick "obfuscation". //

I think that's right.
'As Trump has moved up, Hillary Clinton has had to move far to the left to hold off Bernie Sanders, a septuagenarian former Stalinist kibbutznik and socialist senator for Vermont. Trump’s genius has been to see, when no one else did, that the political class was a spavined paper tiger and the country was afire with rage; to scoop the Archie Bunker (Alf Garnett) vote with blue-collar political incorrectness and his comic talents, which won him the debates; and yet to remain centrist on everything but illegal immigration and bad trade deals. (Trump and Clinton both went to great lengths to maintain the centrists in control of both parties, against severe challenges from the far Republican right and Democratic left; but almost none of the media, foreign or domestic, has noticed.) The best is yet to come: the last refuge of his opponents is that Trump will be an undignified and frightening candidate. He will be the sane and educated man he is.

Hillary Clinton is carrying more baggage than the Queen Mary and Trump will carpet-bomb the country in September and October with a billion dollars of reminders of Benghazi (she slept while her ambassador was murdered), the televised apology to the world’s Muslims, the FBI director’s non-indictment indictment; the malodorous conflicts of the Clinton Foundation entwined with the Clinton State Department. Even Whitewater is due for a rerun. This is not Norman Rockwell’s or Walt Disney’s America, and it never was. American presidential politics is a jungle; the nominees are great beasts, but Donald Trump is larger and fiercer. In taking over a major US political party from the outside, he has done something that has never been done before, and he should win.'

Conrad Black
.... then there is the famous, Hillary flip flops, For example I wonder how many LGBT people supporting the democrats realise that Hillary is opposed to same sex marriage, they will know soon. The Gloves are off and Trump's team have ammo a plenty.
Even the Republicans are now castigating Trump ::::

"John McCain, the GOP presidential nominee in 2008, challenged Trump on Monday “to set an example” and said: “I cannot emphasize how deeply I disagree with Mr Trump’s statement [about the Khans]. I hope Americans understand that the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican party, its officers, or candidates.”

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