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"not Terror Related", - Of Course?

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Khandro | 23:15 Sat 13th Aug 2016 | News
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Why are so many 'maniacs' suddenly starting to stab innocent people on trains then ?


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Yes it's always better to wait for the facts, AOG
Hard to believe but some attackers can just be bad people, except every incident in Europe ATM is assumed " racist " with or without evidence.

From the OP's Link

///police have refused to rule out that it may have been a terror attack///
Yesterdays news.

///PUBLISHED: 00:05, Sun, Aug 14, 2016 | UPDATED: 05:45, Sun, Aug 14, 2016///
I agree, Baldric. Could well be terror related. Must have terrified those involved/nearby.
DD has asserted that it was an Islamic loony. Then AOG said he is just waiting for the apologists to start making the excuse, "this was not Muslim related".
Better to wait and see. No point in jumping the gun and looking silly later.

According to DD everyone with a beard is an Islamic Loony.

(so don't mess with me , ok!!! ;o)
I don't think AOG minds looking silly.....

And if he is going to start calling his fellow ABers 'apologists', I believe he'll find himself in a bit of hot-water.
Hard to believe but some attackers can just be bad people, except every incident in Europe ATM is assumed " racist " with or without evidence.

ANOTHEOLDGIT, care to post examples of apologists' comments in support of Muslim terrorists in order to back up your claim?
He can't. Unless people who don't jump to conclusions are considered apologists.
It's so blerdy insulting

Just spotted this on first page

///there is a similar lack of evidence about any Muslim input.///
followed by
///"Police spokesman Hanspeter Kruesi told AFP news agency the suspected attacker was not of immigrant background"///

How many more times do you need telling **Muslim is not a Race, it is a Religion**

^^^ but we do know what they mean.
How many more times does who need telling?
It's the latest fashion/craze. They're just having a dig at you.

///How many more times does who need telling?///

I'll give you a clue

\\\Just spotted this on first page\\\
And who mentioned race?
My understand is that Baldric is trying to intimate that it would be quite possible for a Swiss-born person to be a Muslim.....therefore satisfying both parts of the Police statement.

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"not Terror Related", - Of Course?

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