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sp1814 | 22:42 Thu 18th Aug 2016 | News
22 Answers


No seriously...what in God's name is he talking about now?

Who is he talking to? How many of his supporters will a) understand the Brexit reference and b) be able to see how this has anything to do with U.S. domestic and foreign policy initiatives?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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He is clearly an idiot, but what I suspect he means is that hardly anyone and scarcely a single poll suggested that the Brexit side would win in the UK. As American polls go on showing his own downward slide, Trump imagines he is going to pull the same trick out of the bag in America...hence, "Mr Brexit". However, I can't imagine more than 1% of the USA electorate...
08:04 Fri 19th Aug 2016
Hardly the most unbiased of sources.
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It's been reported all over.
I can see the parallels.
Are The Independent struggling to fill column inches? Biggest non-story of the week for me!
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I think that the biggest non-story is Jeremy Corbyn not recognising Ant & Dec, but each to his own.

Jackdaw33 - I'm genuinely interested to find out what you think he means, especially in the context of the U.S. elections.

Do you think his followers will put two and two together? I ask, because I saw a report on TV in June, where an ITV reporter asked a number of U.S. citizens what they think of Brexit, and most of them didn't know what it was.

I would summarise Brexit as UK citizens being given the chance to exercise their democratic right to opt or out of the EU.

What are American voters opting in or out of?

After polling day, they will still be governed exactly the same as they always have been...it's the same pudding with custard rather than cream surely?
Disappointed that I should have to explain, but Trump is saying what Brexiters have been saying:

Keep your nose out of our affairs, we will run our own country, thank you very much.
He's a bit rum isn't he?
The man`s an idiot
Just another cretin with too much cash. Like our own sainted blonde, Boris, got what he said he wanted and now is cacking himself as reality bites.
He just makes noises like a poor unfortunate mental patient who is more to be pitied than scorned.
He may yet fake his own death and give us all peace.
I think that the biggest non-story is Jeremy Corbyn not recognising Ant & Dec, but each to his own.
At present, I believe JC would struggle to recognise his own Shadow Cabinet......
I can think of many appropriate names to call Trump, but "Mr Brexit" isn't among them.
you seem to have a bit of an obsession with Trump SP, still he'll be Le Fromage Grand in Jan! then you can have all you need. Trumpageddon is comming.
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But who is he referring to?

Who is sticking their noses into U.S. affairs?

It literally makes no sense.
He is clearly an idiot, but what I suspect he means is that hardly anyone and scarcely a single poll suggested that the Brexit side would win in the UK. As American polls go on showing his own downward slide, Trump imagines he is going to pull the same trick out of the bag in America...hence, "Mr Brexit". However, I can't imagine more than 1% of the USA electorate will have a clue what he's talking about!
The one thing he is doing is getting all the publicity.Has Hillary gone on holiday?
He's on the pills leave him alone, he will go bang.
Ah all the desperate name calling from the usual crowd I see.

Can you really not see the parallels?

Sure there are parallels, although less acute now than, say, a month or two ago. For example, Leave might not have been expected to win, but for much of the lead-up to the vote the two sides were within margin of error of each other so only a stats novice (like, I suppose, David Cameron) would have been confident of a victory for Remain based on polling. Right now, in the polls, Trump is trailing by an ever-increasing margin, although with three months left there is still time for these trends to reverse.

The success of Brexit here has, I think, given any Trump supporters who were paying attention some hope. His opponents would do equally well to notice. They have the time to react, at least.
Mr "Breaks It" more like
He`s only interested in the limitation of illegal uncontrolled immigration but he didnt put it across well.

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