To whom it may concern,
I have been asked once again to explain the reason why I dared to enter a thread that just happened to include some non white savages.
Well let me try and explain to those who seem to have their heads permanently stuck in the sand.
The number one debate both by the media and here on AnswerBank is regarding the problem that Europe is experiencing from the hordes of non refugee migrants, who because they were born in sunnier climes than us happen to possess dark skins.
These same peoples are virtually tearing some European countries and cities apart, with their sexual assaults on females along with a number of other various and vicious crimes.
We have all witnessed these crimes taking place in Norway, Sweden. France, Germany, Austria, Turkey. Greece. and Italy and it would now seem that some are beginning to infiltrate into Spain and their Balearic Islands, in this case Ibiza.
Should we be concerned? yes we should because most of us do not want any of them coming here, since it has already been pointed out we already have enough of them here already, without the need to import even more.
And if some supporters of these thugs, wish to report my thread for containing 'racist' issues then as always please feel free, to report me for breaking
Site Rules, you never know you might even get me suspended or even banned from this site, I am sure that would take a load of your minds, until of course until someone else came along and dared to express views that are totally alien to your own liberal minded views on matters.