Oh yeah, Julian Assange ...
In the 1980s, Russia invaded Afghanistan.
"You can't interfere in foreign countries", said the US. The US sent the Afghans lots, and lots, and lots of weapons, to fight the Russians.
Twenty years later, the US (remember, "You can't interfere in foreign countries"? ... that US!) ... also invaded Afghanistan.
This gave the US a chance to see if the weapons they had sent to Afghanistan were still working properly (they were), as the Afghans shot at Americans with the weapons supplied for free by the US.
The US government's handling of the Afghan war was a shambles. Bungled missions, excessive civilian casualties, failed objectives ...
The US government and army all knew it was going wrong, but tried to deceive the public. But there were lots of documents detailing how we were being misled, trying to achieve some hair-brained objective that was never going to succeed. American officials created thousands of documents and memos, largely to cover their own backs for when it all went wrong. But, officially, we were being fed a different story. And the death toll continued to climb.
Only one person had the courage to produce the evidence to show how badly we were being misled ... Julian Assange.
This was embarrassing for the US government, and especially for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ... who had hoped to be able to carry on lying to Congress, and misleading the public, while Allied soldiers died for no reason ... American deaths never being something that's kept Hillary awake at night (literally not, in the case of the Benghazi attack!)
Also, the documents showed that Secretary of State Clinton had been illegally spying on British and allied diplomats. Very embarrassing to get caught out stabbing the UK in the back.
"Damn!" said Hillary. This person has exposed our lies and illegal activities.
"Wait! Let's have him arrested and extradited for his mishandling of classified government documents! Let's pretend that he's a threat to national security (even though the real threat to national security is me!)"
SCREECH! BRAKES HARD! ... Hillary Clinton thinks that people should be arrested if they mishandle government documents?
Aahaaaahh haaaa haaa ha haaa haaaaaa!!
Obviously she thinks differently if the person mishandling the documents is Hillary Clinton.
But the Swedish authorities are uncooperative. "Julian Assange has done nothing wrong. Just because he's embarrassed you, by exposing something that YOU'VE done wrong ... we can't extradite him for that!"
(Then ... in the way that has always happened when a Clinton has been under threat .. cue the convenient appearance of Hillary's stooges ...)
"Ah haaa" says Hillary ... I've got these women ... oops, I mean here are two women I've never met before, who claim that Mr Assange sexually assaulted them"
"Who???" says Julian.
"Arrest him! He's a witch!" yells Hillary.
(Mr Assange is taken in by the Ecuadorian Embassy, who are not taken in by Hillary's comical efforts to turn Julian Assange from "exposer of the truth", into "alleged rapist")
And, as ever, no matter how unpleasant Hillary becomes, with her nasty little plots to save herself by attacking innocent people ...
... there are plenty of people who actually believe ... yes, they really do believe ... that she is telling the truth.