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“One suggestion is the 'bussing' in of white children into schools with high ethnic populations, or vice-versa.”

So basically, you’ll like who we tell you to like.

Successive governments have encouraged incoming minorities to conduct themselves in precisely the same manner as they did in the places they left. They did so and their descendants naturally do the same. It was not incumbent upon the population already here to embrace Islam, Sikhism, and Sharia Law. The responsibility to “integrate” was squarely at the door of the incomers. But government did not see it like that. Incredible as it may seem, white British people were not over keen on adapting to the incomers’ lifestyles and similarly they were not too keen on Western culture and habits.

Places like London and other major cities are large enough to accommodate separate “ghettos”. Its central area gives the impression that everybody jogs along just fine and it is the fine cultural melting pot that Lumel describes. Anybody living there knows that there are parts of it where they do not venture because they are “not welcome”. Take a trip through Newham or Tower Hamlets on a Friday afternoon. Have a stroll down the Barking Road in East Ham after Friday prayers have chucked out and see how beautiful is the “melting hot pot of different religions,colours,cultures, languages”.

Smaller towns fare less well. Places like Rotherham do not have the luxury of London’s size and segregation is rife. Some of the larger towns and cities also have problems. Walk the length of Cowley Road in Oxford and you’ll be hard pressed to find a shop run by white English people.

The damage is done and if the government believes it can reverse the irreversible by bussing schoolchildren all over the place its politicians display a remarkable degree of naivety. Large amounts of the UK’s population are segregated and it will only get worse. It is a fact that various racial groups do not like each other. It is not restricted to white and non-white people. Africans don’t like those from the Caribbean, Indians don’t like those from Pakistan, and Sunnis don’t like Shiites. The list is endless. The various groups tend to stick together and nothing the government does, short of compulsorily relocating tens of thousands of people will alter that.
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>"fiction-factory, skin colour is irrelevant. Buildings yes, litter yes, and culture yes.

Noted thanks. So presumably you are also thinking of other untidy/deprived/not-looked after areas which are predominantly white areas.
Yes, I see you have made a mistake in confusing legal migrants with illegal ones, divebuddy.
fiction-factory, //So presumably you are also thinking of other untidy/deprived/not-looked after areas which are predominantly white areas. //

No, I am not. That's not the subject of the discussion. However, if you'd like to start a thread on Jaywick, I'll happily add my two-pennyworth.
NJ, //Have a stroll down the Barking Road in East Ham after Friday prayers have chucked out and see how beautiful is the “melting hot pot of different religions,colours,cultures, languages”. //

I see you know the area too. I would add Leyton to that.
So you accept it's not just the skin colour/religion that leads to such areas, Naomi. Maybe it's not really a significant factor at all so therefore your point isn't relevant to the thread.
Anyone remember mikey complaining about a few Polish (I am sure they were Polish) immigrants living in a nearby village? Wrong sort of immigrants it would seem.
fiction-factory, my posts are entirely relevant to the thread.
Yes if your point is that with indigenous Brits (of non-immigrant descent) instead of migrants, the sort of areas you mentioned would look much cleaner and culturally attractive
Are you talking about the predominance of darker skinned people, naomi, or maybe the clothes people wear, the state of the buildings or the amount of litter or something else?"

I think naomi and I are talking about the same thing. But in case not, I am talking about the preponderance of followers of Islam. When the multitudinous mosques chuck out in mid-afternoon on Friday, that particular part of London is an extremely unpleasant place to be unless you have attended one of the mosques. Before suggesting this is not so readers should give it a try. I’ve had to once or twice and it ain’t nice.
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Unpleasant place to be? I've been to the places mentioned and was in Bethnal Green last Friday and when the Mosque was finished all I seen were happy people meeting and greeting,chatting before dispersing. In the evening some of Londons best watering holes and Curry Restaurants opened and we had a great social evening finishing with some great Asian food. All smiles around, happy people and no trouble,litter or any negatives.

When were you who belittle East London last there, do you live there or do you just drive through occasionally making notes on litter, the amount of brown faces to white and other little things that appear to annoy you?
Togo....I have no recollection of "complaining about a few Polish (I am sure they were Polish) immigrants living in a nearby village?

Your imagination is running away from you.

Perhaps you would like to provide a link to that occasion ?
Lunol....its the brown faces that are the problem for some people on here.

Not a problem of course, when they enjoying a good curry or when purchasing a pint of milk.
I think it`s religion that divides people rather than skin colour. I`m quite pally with my Ghanaian neighbours and the Jamaican guy across the road. The Mulsims on the end of our terrace have nothing to do with any of us.
That cannot be good for integration or allowing those who want to integrate amongst them with attitudes like that Mikey.
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factor-fiction, Why are you happy with whole areas of your country becoming unrecognisable? In fact why are any of you happy with that?

Mikey, //its the brown faces that are the problem for some people on here.//

Your ignorance is showing again,. Read my post at 18:16.

Lunol, //When were you who belittle East London last there//

Last week. I was born there and I'm often there.

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