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gulliver1 | 09:35 Sun 06th Nov 2016 | News
54 Answers
Brexit , If Mr Corbyn and his MPs, along with the Tory remainers, and other parties, Snp, etc voted against Brexit, would it be enough to scupper Brexit ?.


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The problem is Theresa May's poor leadership.
She should tell us what kind of Brexit she favours.
We are told that cannot be done because it would reveal our hand in negotiations. But that is hogwash. The people we are seeking deals with know what is happening, it is just the British public who are not allowed to know. Nissan have been told the Government's plans, but you and I haven't.
Instead, all debate, is apparently suspended until next year. The Government will not say what's going on, and we have no say if we like the direction or not. We will just be told and expect to lump it.
Gromit...if the Supreme Court upholds the recent decision by the High Court, as everybody is predicting it will, then a debate and a vote will be held in Parliament early next year.

So we will all have an opportunity to have our say then, via our local MP.
Wouldn't it be great if we could elect an MP because of his beliefs rather than all this PARTY CRAP ?
Ron....yes, it would fine and dandy, but Partys win Elections, not people.

Nobody voted for Mrs May as PM.
We don't vote for a PM, we vote for a party.
As I said, the Government is clammed up until next year. Ask if it is seeking a hard brexit or a soft brexit, and they won't tell you. That is the problem, and it shows utter contempt for the public.
And in the vacuum, plots, speculation and mistrust will fester.
"TTT...I have no idea who your last outburst is directed at. We are entitled to have different views than you. " - the OP of course.
Ladybird...yes you are right, as I said at 10:39.
TTT...then you should make that clear in your posts.
"We don't vote for a PM, we vote for a party. "

That is true: however, we do effectively have a new government in place. May effectively purged the last lot and is pursuing "Brexit" some might say in a precipitate and even underhand way. Ok, we voted for "Brexit" but "Brexit" is not a party either.
Gromit....10:43....Yes, you are right. Mrs May appears to have marooned herself up a creek, and then lost the paddle. Its a poor day when the High Court has to step in and make a British PM behave with proper regard to our laws.

She is showing perhaps, that she just doesn't have the qualities that are needed for this high profile job, although her advisers should told her that she was heading for an almighty fall over the Article 50 issue. Poor advice it would seem.
ichkeria....yes, very true.

Its a Tory Government unrecognisable from the one that we had the opportunity to vote for in the run-up to the Election in May 2015.

As I said earlier this morning, I am coming around to the view that she should have called another Election when she got the top job from Dave.
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Mikey,10.47 thats a relief thought Tgt ws talking to himself.
Can someone enlighten me, please? Am I right in thinking that Nichola Sturgeon has never won an election to be an MP?
JimmyK is not an MP.
Crissa....quiet correct....Sturgeon is an elected member of the Scottish Assembly, and does not sit in the house of commons.

But the SNP itself won 56 seat at Westminster.

So, she dictates to the people of Scotland without being elected to office!! How come Theresa May is being condemned as, "not being elected" to be PM??

At least she Is, an MP, duly elected by her constituency. Unlike, Sturgeon.
Sigh,........ Nicola sturgeon is first minister of Scotland, " she's not even an mp" ye God's .
Everyone who has read the Judges' verdict say that an appeal will fail. (Even New Judge). Mr May is adamant that the Government will appeal.

Makes you wonder if this is not an exercise in delaying tactics and covering her back. Maybe the advice she is getting is not poor, but clever. Whatever happens to Brexit on a vote in Parliament, May can say she fought to keep the process within the Government, and it will not be her fault if it all goes tits up. She can point the finger at others.
// So, she dictates to the people of Scotland without being elected to office!! //

She is leader of the SNP and elected to the Scottish Government. Scotland did not vote to Leave, so she has a legitimate say.
Utter nonsense to say May is unelected, and is not legitimate. Of course she is.

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