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Amazon Drivers 'work Illegal Hours'

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mikey4444 | 04:27 Fri 11th Nov 2016 | News
51 Answers

In the past, I have been questioned and ridiculed about my refusal to use Amazon, but this explains everything.


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I was just about to ask if there's an official investigation going on. If not, why not?
I think there is a balance to be struck between folk taking responsibility for themselves and going, probably to be told they aren't entitled to benefit because they left their employment voluntarily, and the community/state not allowing employers to set whatever poor conditions/wage they think they can get away with and not care how they abuse those who need the work.
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OG...the difficulty with Amazon and other employers of the same type is that they are a law unto themselves. Union membership isn't allowed, something that would stop the worst excesses of a bad employer.

Amazon isn't the only employer to use underhand methods to make money
( on which they apparent see not requirement to pay tax ! ) as Mush has pointed out earlier in this thread.

We as consumers can help, by boycotting Amazon.
//We as consumers can help, by boycotting Amazon. //

This is a multi-million dollar business. Boycotting them would achieve nothing - except you paying more for what you want elsewhere.
I love Amazon! I often have the same driver and he is a happy, helpful chap who doesn't seem to be in a rush. You won't make me feel guilty for using Amazon, mikey

Agree with Naomi, have seen Mikey say he can't afford to stop working yet!
Sorry to disagree with you mikey where you say "When people buy an item, they are buying it from Amazon, not some unmentioned 3rd party".

A very very high amount orders placed with Amazon are Not delivered from or by Amazon. It is the case that Amazon regularly pass orders onto Third Party Suppliers who are then reponsible for deliveries.

I use Amazon regularly, as I have Prime, so shop for my family as well, to avoid P&P.

Most of my deliveries are from other company courier services, very rare do I get an Amazon driver.
//Amazon isn't the only employer to use underhand methods to make money
( on which they apparent see not requirement to pay tax ! ) as Mush has pointed out earlier in this thread.//

They are not breaking the law by not paying tax, they are taking advantage of a legal loophole!

If T&C's are that bad and drivers are that concerned over them breaking the driving time conditions why not report them to the H&S executive or equievlant?
Talk to any multi drop driver and you'll hear the same gripes, whether they are driving their own cars as a courier for a catalogue company, a van delivering small to medium sized parcels or a truck dropping off to other companies.

Pay is rubbish, hours are rubbish, stress is awful, customers are awful and the company they work for haven't a blerdy clue.
//If T&C's are that bad and drivers are that concerned over them breaking the driving time conditions why not report them to the H&S executive or equievlant? //

drivers drive. often because they're trained, and often because they like it. what anyone about to be a whistleblower needs to understand is that such an action will end forever their employment in their chosen field.
Aye, I used to work for a company that didn't deal with unions. I believe I'm right to say that they wouldn't recognise/deal with them; and the employees, being professionals, would not be keen to risk their career insisting.
Inside Amazon just starting now on BBC1 'an undercover' report with 'disturbing' content !
If a company gives me a speedy, efficient service then that ticks the boxes for me.

It does not concern me who works for Amazon or what the staff terms are. If they find it disagreeable then they can challenge and raise a grievance.

It's no good cutting one's nose to spite one's face is it?
I'm sure this goes on with many delivery drivers. We recently had some furniture delivered in Dorset at 10.50 at night. They'd left at 8 that morning and had been to various places including Gravesend in Kent before they got to me, they than had to get to Exeter that night and be up by 8 on the Sunday for another day of it.
agchristie "It does not concern me who works for Amazon or what the staff terms are." Yes, who cares how badly the staff are treated as long as you can save a couple of quid.
237SJ > Yes, who cares how badly the staff are treated as long as you can save a couple of quid.

The staff have a choice. If they don't like their terms they can leave. Their contractual arrangements are of no concern of mine.

Doesn't every consumer strive for good service and value for money?
Good job you are not a boss - I wouldn`t like to work for you. Thankfully, I work for an employer who sticks to the laws of the land and gets the best out of their staff
237SJ > Good job you are not a boss - I wouldn`t like to work for you.

How do you know I am not a boss?
Because you wouldn`t get away with the attitude you have in this day and age

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