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Brexit And Lord

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sp1814 | 15:41 Sat 19th Nov 2016 | News
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Should Lord Neuberger step down from the judicial review because his wife has tweeted in favour of remaining in the EU?

Is he compromised?

From the 'Supreme Court Guide to Judicial Conduct (2009)'

[i]They will bear in mind that political activity by a close member of a Justice’s family might raise concern in a particular case about the judge’s own impartiality and detachment from the political process.[i]

Surely a few tweets can't really be construed as 'political activity'? To me, political activity means going on marches, pamphleting, joining a party etc.

All Lady Neuberger has done is posted her opinion.

So with that in mind, what's your opinion?


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The case before the Supreme Court has absolutely nothing whatsoever about the rights and wrongs of leaving, or remaining in, the EU. It is SOLELY about whether the Government is empowered to act in a matter of international relations (potentially affecting many domestic matters, such as the country's economy) without the direct authorisation of...
16:25 Sat 19th Nov 2016
Mikie, II object to being called thick which I certainly am not
Danny...than accept my apology, as I meant no harm !

But others, as well as me have explained about the procedures and principles involving this court judgement very well and at great length.

Some of those, like New Judge, who is not noted for his left-wing views, have given their educated and earned opinions and I am still unsure what there is that you do not understand ?

Its about the sovereignty of Parliament, about which, you, as a LEAVE voter, should presumably want.
I do, but you cannot say that it is not about Brexit when it was the remainers who started this court action.
Have you ever, at any time in your lives heard and read so many lies, all dressed up as being "democracy" and in your interests? No nor me. Now we are told that judges are impartial, the very fact that they tell you so, illustrates that they are not. Never mind, as Alf said... you have bloody well won it once now go an do it again. So we will.
Danny....the judgement was about Parliamentary procedure. I am not going too continually repeat what I, and many others have already said on this subject

It now forces Mrs May to pull her finger out and get on with the proper enactment of A50, on a proper legal footing. Up until now, she has made a complete horses ass of this whole affair.
//Have you ever, at any time in your lives heard and read so many lies, all dressed up as being "democracy" and in your interests?//

I feel your pain, Togo. But the big lie was told by Cameron in the referendum notice: "We [the Government] will implement your decision" when he had not established that the Government had the legal right to implement a decision opposed by most MPs. The Referendum Act (voted for by 80% of the Commons) should have included the commitment "We [Parliament] will honour and implement your decision" .

I think Parliament should vote on Article 50 and see how many other liars there are. They will be all those who voted for the Referendum Act vote, but vote against the A50 one.
Mikie, In your opinion what was the cause of this matter being brought to the court's attention? What, or who instigated it?
I don't think I can add anything new in this case, so I am bowing out Danny !
So really you are avoiding the question.

///The Supreme Court’s judicial code of conduct states: “They [the justices] will bear in mind that political activity by a close member of a Justice’s family might raise concern in a particular case about the judge’s own impartiality and detachment from the political process///

He should go.
Due process and judicial process are not one and the same, particularly when it comes to national security.
Eric Holder.... Bronx born US Attorney General.
Mikey always blows our Danny, when a few posts crop up that deflate him.
danny, read Buenchico's post at 15.25 it explains it all very clearly!
danny, just to put it more simply.
The case is about the way that the government must act when introducing new legislation that affects the rights and conditions of the UK and it's citizens. NOTHING TO DO WITH BREXIT!

They still think that the louder they shout , the more right they must be. Mehh.
Our Parliamentary system has simply failed to meet the challenge of judicial activism.
Stockwell Day. Canadian Politician.
//As recently as September 6, she posted a link to a pro-Remain newspaper article that questioned the future of a new research institution in the wake of Brexit, declaring: “What a tragedy if this far-sighted project fell victim to Brexit.”
And last month, she expressed fears the “brain drain has begun” as a consequence of the vote to leave.
She has also launched attacks on Theresa May, branding her ‘wrong’ and on November 1, accused the prime minister of jeopardising higher education “by our new nasty reputation & obstinacy of PM in insisting temporary foreign students treated as immigrants”.//

Soooo let's get this straight the Judge's Lady can infest the twitterland and criticise Brexit and our PM but she can't possibly be bending his liberal ear? I thought that there was a law against interfering with a jury SO there must be a similar one for interfering with a judge ....right?
Wrong. Waaaaaay wrong.
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Even if she is stomping around the house bellowing pre-Remain statements, it doesn't necessarily mean that her husband is being coerced.

All over the world there are men who smile, nod and don't pay a blind bit of attention to what their wives are saying.

Men have learned from what happened to Adam when he listened to Eve.

It did not turn out well for either of them (although admittedly, it was a boon for the fig leaf industry).
Our Parliamentary system has simply failed to meet the challenge of judicial activism.
Stockwell Day. Canadian Politician.

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