In answer to this question yesterday:
I said this:
“Europe is being invaded by Muslims (almost all of the migrants involved in the summer Exodus from the Middle East and beyond were of that faith). As I said then, because they arrive without guns and tanks makes it no less an invasion and Western governments have been negligent in recognising it (or at least accepting it). Europe is now paying the price for that staggering negligence.”
And this:
“The foot soldiers – the “peace loving Muslims” of which everybody speaks – follow the same teachings and their aim is the same: to see Europe as a Muslim continent which, eventually, will have no tolerance of any Infidels. It will take time, but not as long as some people think. And the effect of that will be every bit as profound.”
Whilst there is certainly some confusion with this report it seems there are some elements of truth to it. It’s quite true. It seems all this store has done “…is allocate is stocks to a different store where it will sell better.”
What needs to be established is why this store doesn’t sell much Christmas stuff. Until anybody comes up with a better explanation, I’ll stick by what I said above.