// I watched about 10 minutes this afternoon and lost the will to live.//
I watched about four hours - and was told that instead of the second four hours I would have to watch Shameless replays - OK I suppose
some of it is here
and the transcript and papers are here
The Beeb were doing vis " Brexit wots it orl abart ven ?
and standard cockney sparras were going like " Yeah dis Brexit ven. they so called Law Lords can shove it all up their .... "
Casciani's tweets [Beeb] showed he had no idea what the case was about, who the judges were and what they were deciding
where he was - who the lawyers were and so on
Three law professors were wheeled out at 1800
The govt side was suitably thread bare - they had withdrawn their contention that no court could discuss the use of Royal Prerogative - dear lord -
The law lords ( oops members of the supreme court) were giving the govt lawyers hell and interrupting....
" you agree that a treaty has to be incorporated into domestic law by an act of parliament"
" yeah we do..."
" and you contend that withdrawal from a treaty doesnt need parliamentary intervention ?"
yes my lords we do .....
the law lords did not throw their pencils down and murmur - what rubbish .... amongst themselves
It remains to be seen if the Lords give the remoaners hell in a few days
de keyser featured largely
and also Burmah oil 1965
which we have had on AB before
so you really can say you read it first on here