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Is Islam Creating A Problem In The West?

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anotheoldgit | 17:01 Fri 16th Dec 2016 | News
34 Answers
Sorry no link, but there may be some on AB who don't seem to think it is.


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Smoke em out my good man, smoke em out :-)
Islam is a problem, full stop.
Islam isn't a problem at all.

Our insistance in meddling in muslim countries thousands of miles away is the problem. We should stop financing them, bombing them, invading them and selling arms to them.
.....and they'll stop flying planes into skyscrapers? They'll stop wanting to murder or convert us? they'll stop imposing Sharia law on us? They'll stop raping western women? right oh gromit.
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So you think that they wouldn't be a problem, if we left them alone?

In your dreams Gromit, in your dreams.
Problem is Tora, we nearly alway support the wrong side when we do meddle. Osama Bin Laden was given loads of our money to defeat the Russians, then we *** him off by invading the Gulf and he hit the twin towers. If we hadn't have encouraged the mad man in the first place...
We should give them no grievance for which to justify their war against us.

Just off the top og my head, here are a few blunders...

Invading Iraq - mistake
Invading Afghanistan - Mistake
Bombing Syria - Mistake
Gulf war - Mistake
Suez - Mistake
Arming Bin Laden - Mistake
Encouaging civil war in Libya - Mistake
//So you think that they wouldn't be a problem, if we left them alone? //

Just look at recent history. The problems started when the CIA, having deliberately set out to encourage the the Mujahideen to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, betrayed them and withdrew funding. Prior to that, we in the West had no significant problems with Muslims for hundreds of years.
i have to agree with Gromit
blair bush created this mess by invading iraq ,better leave the devil you know in charge of these countries every where we have gone to sort things out it been left in a worse mess
I'm with TTT.
All extreme religious activity tends to be a problem. Moderates who just want to believe what they believe are not such an issue.
Agree with Gromit.....mind you I do wonder if the west did not create problems historically by imposing their religion on the rest of the world.....may be the world would be a far better place if religion was eased out of existence....... that is those that insist that their religion is better than everyone elses....
Or, there maybe some abers whobthink there is ,eh AOG ?
There is plainly a serious threat from militant Islamic fundamentalists
Regardless of how that had come about, plainly it's no sort of solution simply to pretend they aren't there

I am not saying prentend the Islamic Wasps are not there, I am saying don't constantly bash their nests with a big stick.
No I realise you aren't quite saying that Gromit. The reasons for the state of affairs we have today are complex and probably go back to the days of the Ottoman Empire. Extreme mullahs have been ranting about the west for decades. Obviously it's never a good idea to go poking nests, but those nests are nonetheless real and are sending nasty people to sting us
What we also don't need are the politics of hate in response to it because that just feeds the fire
Goes back to the Crusades Ich. A few hundred years before the Ottomans decided to cross into what is now known as Europe.
Things had largely settled down after the crusades.
Then the Ottoman empire was a largely stable power for centuries until its power started to wane with military defeat and the perceived encroachment of western influence
Actually they sounds faintly redolent of another more recent 'empire' that is also now finally being taken seriously as a threat - and no I don't mean the EU :-)
gromit:"We should give them no grievance for which to justify their war against us. " - I accept all the *** ups have not helped but do you really think if they were left alone they would be harmless? The stated aim is death or conversion of the infidel. Do you really think that they would leave all us infidels alone to carry on our decadent lives?
Gromit, //We should give them no grievance for which to justify their war against us.//

They already justify their war against us and as someone else said it goes back to the Crusades. Ignoring them will not placate them. The west needs to stop tolerating the vile tenets of their religion and the purpose expounded by that religion and wake up to reality.

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