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Is Being Born Of Mixed Race, Compatible To Being Born Transgenic?

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anotheoldgit | 17:46 Mon 16th Jan 2017 | News
67 Answers
Further to my thread that was deliberately diverted to address this issue, I now give this a thread on it's own.



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Talbot....with you there !
AOG, I suppose it is to do with their family life and where they are brought up. I know a lot of mixed race children and I have not met any with identity problems.
-- answer removed --
Perhaps he'll tell us why he asked the question.
Its, not It's.
Yes, I'd like to know the rationale (?) behind the question
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/// do ask some odd questions !///

A little late with your definitions mikey, but did you read the argument that was going off on my 09:53 Sun 15th Jan 2017 thread?

It was regarding an ABers refusal to admit that a person can not choose to class himself black if he was born white also visa versa, but chose instead to bring transgender persons into the argument.

You're trying to compare personal choice with genetics. Do you see how that is a non starter?
It's something someone posted in another thread.
aog, So what you’re saying is that a black person can’t choose to consider himself white – and vice versa – but people can choose to consider themselves transgender? Have I got that right?
Talbot, I believe I can answer that.
AOG is attempting to "remove Answerprancer from his serious room and put him in the playpen" after joining in with Divebuddy's presumption that his thread was "deliberately diverted".
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/// This wants rubbing out and not starting
again. ///

Pass me an India rubber eraser.
Oh hello Divebuddy, still looking for trouble?
If not, then why should this thread interest you?
Now look what you've done AOG.
Oh dear! AOG get the petrol and I'll get the lighter!
(semi) seriously though AOG, you should have set my playpen up in Chatterbank rather than News!
A mixed race child grows up understanding why he (or she) has that label. His parents know at conception the child will be mixed race, the extended family understands he is mixed race, he is accepted as mixed race, for that is what he is.

A transgender child has to try to understand his feelings, try to explain them to his parents and others and fight to be accepted for what he believes himself to be.

A totally different scenario.
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/// Now look what you've done AOG. ///

Yes Zacs that's what comes of providing a venue for two lovers to settle their differences on neutral ground.
Do you think there's a future between DB and I then?
He's a bit uppitty uppitty!
Aw go on then, get yer rubberwear on DB, let's give it a go.

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Is Being Born Of Mixed Race, Compatible To Being Born Transgenic?

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