can anyone point out to me where trump stated women are going to loose their rights and equalities in the his administration
i failed to see this in hi s speeches .all i have heard is 1 crass (in private) joke he made about ***ies
Nowhere has Trump said anything other than some crass, insulting and derogatory comments towards women. Although it does go some way to the rather backward mentality of the man it in no way says he is suddenly going to change all the equility laws.
It is just people opposed to Trump highjacking a cause celeb.
No, you are mistaken.
The demos are about losing rights, not specifically women's rights.
There are lots of things that would worry a mother or grandmother, such as healthcare.
Ivor4781 - you are right, sorry. It just gets my goat because DT is being judged before he even took office. How do these protestors know for a fact that their worst fears will come to fruition?
I can't produce the evidence that you seek Ivor and neither can the protestors. Fear is one thing, fact is another matter entirely.
When folk wish to protest they'll grab any nonsense as ammunition. If enough people claim something then there is always the possibility that the majority follow them from peer pressure and claim that the emperor really does have new clothes.
It's not so much what he says as what he does. If federal budgets for programmes which impact for the good on the lives of women are cut their lives can only be made worse as a consequence.