The endless carping and moaning will continue, but it remains meaningless, for the simple reason that we are sailing in uncharted waters with Brexit - no-one knows what is going to happen, so all the doom-mongering is so much guesswork.
I find myself increasingly irritated at the notion by the Remainers that the electorate don't actually know what is good for them (they do!) and didn't really understand what a 'leave' vote would mean (they did!) and now they want to have another vote to ensure that the electorate are really sure they are getting what they wanted.
If you ask the electorate a simple Yes/No question, and they vote Yes, then that's what they want. It makes Remainers look pompous bad losers to infer that the electorate doesn't understand what is going on, and made a bad decision because of it.
As has been advised on this thread - the electorate has answered the question it was asked, and to start saying it was the wrong question because you don't like the answer is a ludicrous position to take.
As a footnote - Mr Corbyn's volte face makes him look even weaker and less in control of his party, as defiance breaks out all over.
We have to be grateful that the will of the people is being enacted by a government savvy enough to know that anything else is electoral suicide. Mr Corbin has the luxury of whining from the side-lines, because his election is already doomed!