Khandro - //I've just watched Katie Hopkins ask the simple question; "If Islam is so good, why do so many Muslims want to live in Christian countries?"
She said she has been asking this question (me too) for a long time and no one has ever answered. //
That's simple.
A lot of Muslim countries look up to the UK as a shining example of how things should be.
As I write, my wife is finishing off a month in Abu Dhabi inspecting schools because the Sheikh thinks that the English education system is the best in the world, and he wants his schools to measure up to English standards, so he hires in English inspection teams to make sure they are moving the right way.
Before becoming an Inspector, my wife was Deputy Head at an inner city Catholic primary school where the intake was seventy per cent Muslim, because the Muslims appreciate the Catholic ethos of caring and inclusion that is taught in Catholic schools.
So you will find that, even allowing for people like Katie Hopkins, a lot of Muslims think this is a wonderful country, and they are very happy to live and work here.
They don't believe that living here should mean that they have to abandon their faith and culture, because they see England as a tolerant and liberal country that accepts people as they are, if they are willing to fit in and work hard.
Feel free to pass this on to Ms. Hopkins.