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Bbc Scotland Bias

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rich47 | 08:25 Fri 17th Mar 2017 | News
27 Answers
When will the BBC in Scotland remove the obviously biased and aggressively anti SNP presenter Gary Robertson from their morning programme? He allowed the Tory spokesman uninterrupted time to repeat the same statement over and over again but continually interrupts and cuts off any SNP spokesperson.
Apart from being annoying it is insufferably rude and demonstrates very poor basic education.
Will the BBC continue with its biased position throughout the next referendum campaign?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Presenters should be neutral, but I do have some sympathy with someone trying to be fair to a spokesman who is wanting another referendum again and again until they get the right answer. But I don't get BBC Scotland broadcast here, so can't tell if your opinion is correct.
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what referendum camapaign ?? not happening !!
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Rich, in you're position I would just not watch his interviews.
murdo aint going to happen !
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I think if someone is giving themselves options which dont exist

in this case Brexit where Scotland remains in the EU all paid for by London

then when you hear it for the nineteenth time - you think - o god lets get over this and discuss something that is do-able ....
Looking simply at education in Scotland and seeing that it has slipped far below many others in the world league table I think Nicola Sturgeon has a lot of work to do getting Scotland running properly before any referendum for independance.

Scotlands government seem far more incompetent than the UK government at the moment.

If she were truly looking out for the interests of Scotland then she would make sure her own house was in order before weeping and wailing about independence.

I am sure at this rate it will happen at some point but any stupid numpty knows not to do it at the same time as major works are going on.

If she thinks Brexit will be bad for Scotland how does she think screaming for independance at the same time is going to better?

Righteous indignation is a dangerous thing.
Murdo, give the English the vote and you'll be out by lunchtime, wall will be up by tea-time.

The sooner the whinners have gone the better, this constant winging is going to wreck both countries and since even if it was another No Sturgeon & Co would still be after another and anther until the 'right' answer is given lets call it a day now and part.
stop being mature, anne

///give the English the vote and you'll be out by lunchtime///

Too right you will!
I love how many English abers are experts on Scotland politics, maybe you should concentrate on brexit.
I wish the BBC would go a whole programme without the obligatory SNP 'politician' spouting their independence patter.
Last night's QT is a case in point. You could hardly get further from Scotland, yet the whole programme was about Scotland and its interminable whinge.
Sam........change channels, instruction are available online.
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Perhaps cassa333 spouting about Scottish education should learn to spell.

We did concentrate on Brexit, it is being looked after by the Management now, we did our bit.
Scottish Politics are of no interest whatever tbh, just want to see the wall go up and the subsidies stopped.
certainly the view er south of the border is that Sturgeon is not but should be concentrating on her day job.

her little piggy eyes are on the top table and a seat there (EU membership) and how she wont be an overall contributor to the EU but hopefully the recipient of lots of lovely moolah !
the BBC biased never.........
anneasquith ///Sam........change channels, instruction are available online.///

That would be an excellent point, annie.....If I was tuning into BBC Scotland every night.

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