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Hungary Are To Put Asylum Seeks In Containers

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emmie | 17:15 Fri 17th Mar 2017 | News
49 Answers
some think we are poor at the treatment of ours, this is toe curling.


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I think there is sympathy Emmie. It's just that those who are sympathetic don't shout as loudly about it.
20:02 Fri 17th Mar 2017
-- answer removed --
PeterPedant. //what better than to put over the entrance
" Arbeit macht frei " //

Nothing like making a drama out of a crisis.
Don't Start Emmie.
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TWR, not sure what you mean...
you're not alone emmie.
They will be asking for donations next.
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TWR who's they?
Asylum Seekers in Hungary.
I really couldn't care less emmie.

Lol at Khandro at 16:34.
Why the surprise that Hungary are putting people in containers, when we have been doing it for years.
TWR, I don't think they'll be asking for donations.
Hungary leads the way for the rest of Europe.
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who's answer got blitzed.
And Mr Orban seems to be one of the few who are willing to properly police the EU's external borders.

The fact is that these people are not refugees. Leaving aside the fact that many of them are simply economic migrants, the UN's Convention relating to the status of refugees says that countries should not take action against people entering illegally provided (and only provided) they present themselves to the authorities in the first safe country they reach. Hungary is surrounded by seven other countries and all, with the exception of Ukraine are, by any definition, "safe". Most of the migrants enter Hungary from Serbia which is an official EU candidate nation. A "stabilisation and association" agreement has been in force between the EU and Serbia since 2013 and plans for its full membership are well advanced. So there is no question that Serbia is a safe nation. Furthermore, they probably arrived in the EU in Greece. In short, they have already been in a number of "safe" countries" but decided against claiming asylum.That being the case, by the time they reach Hungary they have lost their status as refugees are are simply illegal immigrants. Mr Orban has decided how his country will deal with illegal immigrants and he is to be applauded. Instead of simply waving them through to their desired destination (which is simply passing the problem on elsewhere) he is doing what other nations should do and holding them in confinement until their status can be ratified or otherwise.
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i understand, they could however be in there for years..

Amazing what you can do with Shipping Containers
i understand, they could however be in there for years.."

Life's a bit tough sometimes. As I said, what's the alternative? (answers on a postcard, please). I'm sure a way could be found for them to be returned whence they came (where presumably life would be more pleasant).
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process them as soon as humanly possible. some may well be fleeing refugees from war torn Syria, can't send them back there surely.
emmie, as NJ says, most of them are economic migrants. They chose to make the journey creating enormous problems for Europe. I have little sympathy for them.
What's not to like? Living in a luxury container, presumably fed and watered at the state's expense. Must be better than where they came from or they would never have come in the first place. I think that this is a very humanitarian gesture on the part of the Hungarians. There are other, much harsher measures they could have employed.

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