“My MP has no interest whatsoever in my welfare – only that he continues to keep his snout in the trough.”
The EU trough is considerably deeper and the numbers gorging themselves at it are considerably higher, Hymie. Among the UK euromaniacs who have gorged there are My Lords Jenkins, Mandelson, Patten and Kinnock, Baroness Kinnock (My Lord Kinnock’s other half), Nick Clegg and Baroness Catherine Ashton,
Do you believe that all these (and the many more less well known) made their all-expenses paid (whether they incurred them or not) trips to and from Brussels (or Strasbourg, if the EU circus was on one of its twelve trips a year there) for the good of the UK people? Did they do so simply because they were concerned that the vile and evil UK government (of which many of them were part at one time or another) would foist inhumane conditions on the electorate? Or could it be that they, having seen that the grass was considerably greener (as far as their income went) on the far side of the Channel, decided to have a little gorge themselves?