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The Queen In Manchester Today

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Barsel | 14:11 Thu 25th May 2017 | News
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I'm pleased the Queen has come to Manchester today. I think it will bring a little cheer to the survivors of the blast.


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trt...they might well have been, but I would have thought, whatever the situation, they would have stood up, for a Consultant and even more so for the Queen.
Perhaps i am just old fashioned.
Stand up for Betty perhaps, but for a Consultant ?
You are normally briefed before a Royal enters a place, Consultants have always asked me to sit down.
mikey...well I would.
FAO Sqad. Just because you are used to people standing up when you enter a room and deign to speak to you! Expect that E11R welcomed the informality, after all when your child is in a hospital bed with multiple injuries I expect the parents didn't feel much like curtseying or bowing.
Mamy...that is different....if you stand and the Consultant says "sit down" then he has recognized and appreciated your good manners.
corylus...I am not talking about curtseying or bowing........just getting to one's feet.
I wouldn't stand for a consultant - he is there to serve me. He may have 'rank' amongst his staff, but not over me. Same for a female consultant.
hc...that is fine for you, but would your attitude be the same for the Queen? Which of course was the point that I was making on this thread.
Depends on the circumstances, Sqad. If it were at a formal event that I had been invited to, I would. If she were my employer, I would.

In the circumstances in the link, probably not.
hc....that is fair, although I can't think of any of any "informal" events that the Queen attends.
Eh dear Sqad, I remember the days when any bloke would stand up when a woman entered a room, let alone a consultant or a queen!!!
## Mamy...that is different....if you stand and the Consultant says "sit down" then he has recognized and appreciated your good manners. ##

I will have to remember that Sqad, when I next visit my friends in hospital, too stand up when the Nurse visits, the dinner people, and not forgetting the newspaper & sweets trolley volunteers.

They are doing their job, just like the consultants!
Trt nor do they get paid a fraction of what a consultant gets paid! do I and when my wife or female comes back to the table......I always stand up....well, nearly always.
Just seeing the parents sitting, some "lolling" in the bedside chair whilst speaking to the Queen was to me, just unacceptable. is not a matter of one doing one's job, it is a matter of respect and if you respect the nurses as i am sure that you, then why not stand up when they are talking to you...or anybody else....good manners.
Sqad, don't you think HM visit to the hospital was an informal event?
hc....No, personally I don't. Did you see the entrance she made, the introduction to the staff, all lined up.......nothing informal about that.
Just winding you up a bit Sqad, manners still matter, but maybe the parents/relatives at the bedsides were too traumatised to perhaps give the respect that was due to E11R on her visit. And probably they never even had time to buy new outfits for the occasion. Cheers!
It was informal inasmuch as it was ad hoc, no months of notice or preparation, especially for the victims and their families.

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