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When Was This Muslim March.....

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trt | 01:57 Wed 21st Jun 2017 | News
15 Answers
Not seen any broadcast on any main news channels, and it must have been in the past week?


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It was on June 18th.
The speaker they managed to film seems somewhat deranged. Most of the protestors must have been acutely​ embarrassed that he was allowed to speak. The day having a special name, I take it that it's an annual event ?
well the photie is the church outside the Beeb opposite Claridges
(I lead a well heeled life)
so the Been could hardly have missed it
A lot of marches, about all sorts of things are not broadcast. It's part of our freedom of speech.

They tend to only get reported if it is the so called 'far right' or if violence ensues.
The former presumably a sub-set of the latter ?
There you go! They can take to the streets to protest about things that upset them – but keep it quiet because it incites hatred and therefore doesn’t concur with the favoured image.
One has to be very careful of what you say these days, especially if you are criticising these mob protests.
aog, what he said is not okay. It's stupid and irresponsible.

I did not say it was okay.

Read what I put and not what you think I put.
I read what you said.
Is the council leader really called Bob Sleigh??!!

/// Is the council leader really called Bob Sleigh??!! ///

Yep, a right slippy character so they say. :0)
That's ok aog
I thought I'd been miSLED :-)
I'm pretty sure we live in a democracy? Or is it a case of democracy when it suits our agenda?
We need big blue sky thinking here it seems.

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When Was This Muslim March.....

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