At the risk of being a little controversial, we are creating a massive amount of unemployment in the young by trying to swindle people out of their pensions at the age we promised them to them, and thus spending a lot of money on benefits and training for the young. I don't think the pension age ought to keep rising I actually think the men's pension age ought to have been dropped to 60 in line with the women's age at that point when all this shifting the goalposts started and I certainly don't think that apprenticeships for people aged 64 is really the way to go, and here is why. We have a massive raft of experience and talent already in people over 50 which is entirely untapped in some quarters because of the skewed perception of some employers. We don't need someone who has worked in accounting for 30 years and knows everything there is to know about it retrain as a flaming nail technician, what we need is a system in place in the workforce where experienced employees are shadowed by young people wishing to work in that sector for perhaps the five years before they are due to retire. That would ensure that someone walks into a job knowing what they are doing because the hands on person who knows it actually taught them how to do it properly in that very environment. If people over 50 want to retrain in something they prefer then obviously it should be their right to do so, but to suggest people swindled out of their pension should be apprentices is a disgrace and not addressing the initial issue of not enough jobs for everyone. Our lovely work experience girl who is here, who is absolutely lovely I must add, can't even answer the phone properly, stick labels on things, schedule filming with only four actors involved ( so they are all available together- REALLY simple) and the thought of leaving her in charge on her own is shudderworthy- but I bet we could leave any of you to do it after a five minute conversation and things would flow perfectly. It's frustrating because most employers actually know that too, we have to start valuing age and experience and that is a wider social issue which needs urgent addressing.