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Do You Think That Civil Partners And Those In Same Sex Marriages Should Receive The Same Pension Rights As Straight Couples?

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sp1814 | 17:53 Wed 12th Jul 2017 | News
63 Answers
This has always been the difference, but now it looks like a precedent has been set.


If a straight couple marry in 2017, and one partner dies, the surviving partner is eligible for the entire pension of the spouse.

Same sex couple marry in 2017, and the same thing happens, only pension contributions since 2005 are payable.

I've always thought this was a bit mental. What do you think?


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I think the issue may centre on tax - inherence tax.
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Not sure though.
Any couple that's married should have the same rights as any other couple that's married. Any couple that's in a civil partnership should have the same rights as any other couple that's in a civil partnership.

I've never actually said 'end of' before, but there's always a first time...end of.
Yes anything other is absurd!
Well woofie, pensions are personal to the individual. It seems bizarre that they would be transferable when that individual no longer exists. Probably stems from ye olden days when wives relied on husbands' income/investments. Past rules are a different issue.
As usual Mikey thinks his point of view is the only one with merit or rlevance.
lol, Crap, perhaps you could link me to a few answers where you've said "I don't know" or "I could be wrong"?
Slightly off the original topic but there is a large house near here occupied since Adam was a lad by two sisters, they were brought up there and are now in their 80s, neither has ever married. As the law stands on the death of one of them their estate will incur full inheritance law fines, the house will not be treated in the same way as between a 'couple' who would inherit the other 50% without penalty. It seems very unfair and maybe could become the next, less trendy, issue.
Crap....I think you are wrong, and so most do most of the people on here.

You wrote "why cant these people earn their own pensions like the rest of us have to"

So, presumably you would apply the same thinking to heterosexual couples, when one dies and the other can't inherit a portion of the others pension ?

Or is it only gay people that have to "earn their own pensions like the rest of us have to" ?

Simple question and it just a matter of applying logic !
OG, as I have said, setting aside state pensions, private pensions are offered as part of the general T and C package. If a company want to offer an inheritable portion of the pension, or a share purchase package or a dancing pink elephant as part of the T and C package then surely that is up to the company?
I do agree that is unfair that people cannot enter into a civil partnership for reasons other than sexual preference....Same gender or different gender friends, can of course simply don’t actually have to be gay to enter into a same gender marriage....but siblings and parent/child couples do lose out.
You are completely missing my point and as I have no interest in wasting my time explaining it to you I will desist from further comments. In answer to jno`s comments I rarely get involved in the sort of emotive subjects they seem to thrive on preferring to answer more factual requests. No one has all the right answers, certainly not me, but maybe I shouldnt need to preface everything I say with imho as they are clearly my opinion so maybe some correspondents would do well to remember that.
Crap....I can see the application of logic is lost on you, so, like you, I will desist from labouring my point.

But the law has spoken on this issue, and that is what is important.
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Of course. A very big YES. I am surprised that it needed a judgement. All laws regarding marriage should apply to all marriages.
Jordy...lets get this straight (!)

People express an intolerance of homosexuals, and that is OK.

But when anybody else expresses an intolerance, to their intolerance, that isn't OK ?

Have I got that right ?
Nellie....the voice of common sense !
Zebo, the law needs to change on circumstances like that.

There's a hetero couple who don't want to marry but have been denied a civil partnership which is what they feel is appropriate for them.
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Jordy....your words not mine !
Yes naturally

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Do You Think That Civil Partners And Those In Same Sex Marriages Should Receive The Same Pension Rights As Straight Couples?

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