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Would You Get Yourself Chipped?

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ToraToraTora | 10:44 Tue 25th Jul 2017 | News
26 Answers
"we'll all be doing it" - apparently!


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Only is they promised me twice daily walkies and a daily treat ;o)

You lot may all be doing it. I certainly won't.
no tummy rub and a fondle about the ears Balders? :-D

I wouldn't, but I can see a time in the future, hopefully, very distant future, where all new-borns are chipped
It'd be against their human rights.
Yes. I got lost once. That was far scarier than the thought of being chipped.
Nope. It's stepping into the bounds of a dystopian nightmare.
More or less already are by the time I sign into the building then into my office then into my PC and filing cabinets - if it would be easier to wave a hand with a chip in it I am all for it!
It would be a great idea for the police, to find out if a person who is caught up to no good, and wont talk, has a criminal history.
Not for me, unless I can wrap it up in a piece of tinfoil ☺☺☺

Alba, you've almost convinced me ;o)
I can see the benefits for some, but not for me, thank you.

How would you know for sure there was no GPS in the little brute for example?
You just type "Where is albaqwerty" into Google and see what it shows on the map.
rofl OG !!
that's scary for a good number of reasons !!
I think in certain situations as Islay says above , log ins, door codes,passwords etc it makes sense and simplifies things.

In my situation a GPS system may be the only use in case I go a wandering. :-)
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don't fancy it myself,agree with Alba,prob done before being born,or added to DNA
I have long been in favour of ID cards, and I guess this is just a logical progression. I would need to know more about it, but I am open to the idea.
No way Jose.
Not a chance

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