// CCTV is not usual in residential streets, OG.// someone
//The British Security Industry Authority (BSIA) estimated there are up to 5.9 million closed-circuit television cameras in the country, including 750,000 in “sensitive locations” such as schools, hospitals and care homes.
The survey’s maximum estimate works out at one for every 11 people in the UK, although the BSIA said the most likely figure was 4.9 million cameras in total, or one for every 14 people.
Both projections were higher than previous estimates which ranged between 1.5 million and four million.//
o well normal day on AB ... BUT
the majority of domestic CCTVs are for crime prevention use ( ! yes I am aware of the irony of that statement but hey it IS AB) - and so dont have to be registered - which means they arent available for scrutiny
also the people having the requisiste CCTV are presumably the window smashers
I just parked my car on the street one night in Manc and had all my windows smashed - thirty years ago so learnt my lesson then
oh hahaha I must tell you
they were doing this outside the old Childrens Hospital before it moved ( manch again - Pendlebury this time ) - so you came off a shogeroo of a week end on call and got shouted at by a few retired residents who had shifted out of their beds in the morning in time to swear at you.
Oh the good old days !
the memories !