James Dyson, the UK's largest farmer, says he lost £4m last year despite getting £1.6m in grants from the EU. Why do taxpayers subsidise UK farmers and why do they farm if they constantly lose money?
A half decent accountant can always make a farm look like it's being run at a loss - it goes with the territory.
The big guys are coining it (one way or another), just inspect the shiny Range Roverage at any farming event.
The ones who *are* up against the wall are the small 'dog and stick' guys - they are the lifeblood of many rural communities and yet are an endangered species as Mr Dyson and his pals continue to accumulate and conglomerate.
He made a loss on farming because he wanted to make a loss to cut his overall tax bill.
Dyson's business (Beeswax) had £0 in the bank and £0 liabilities. It made a £4million loss so it will not pay tax, But it does have £500,000 in assets.
So if you are a multi- £billionaire, you use your money to buy farmland, you get £millions in EU grants for doing nothing. He is planning on making a £2million loss next year, which suggests that the business is aquiring more assets with any money it makes, to continue pay no tax.
Once again cash to the rich from the tax payer, most UK farmers want to remain in the EU, that says it all , but hey ho, think we will still be in ten years from now , we aint ever ever going to get out. Enjoy!.
Think all British Farmers want to remain,they have a lot to lose, with their income supplement ,{subsidy}. Also the NFU, etc, have a lot of pull with the Cons, think most of the farmers are remainers, and will influence Government decisions a lot, even like staying in the EU.