You must have more info that is in the newspaper article- it says he claims to be a student from Afghanistan but there's no mention that he came in as one of the child refugees
Incidentally, did you know you have South Park character avatar on some pages and not on others?
"Bashar - who claimed to be an international student from Afghanistan - said he had made a 'mistake' and denied having any sexual interest in children." - Right oh! so going out to meet a 13yr old was simply an abberation was it? Low life.
Yes he does look a lot older than 23.
Glad he's been caught and hope police/courts can deal with this although in entrapment type cases a good lawyer may be able to get him off.
I still can't see anything about him being a refugee- nor about him being a member of the ROP although i think it is pretty likely to be the case regarding his religion
Mamya, that's a strange comment. I thought it was a "good news" story.
fiction-factory, if he's not a refugee, then he must have been given a visa to come and teach computer sciences to young girls. We seem to have massive skill shortages everywhere.
I think you misundetsand how the system works. If he is an overseas student his fees will be well above those charged to home grown students an hence important source of income for the university. But it doesn't seem certain that he is actually a bona-fide student. I can assume you though there is a shortage of peopel with IT skills, particularly willing to go into teaching IT
He looks a damn sight older than 23. He has a bald patch and I will be happy to say that anyone who defends his age as either stupid, deliberately provocative for effect or delusional.
It beggars belief that anyone would think or even contemplate this grown middle aged man as in any way a young man of 23. Cultural differences and ethnicity aside this man is not young by the standards of the claim or be 23.