AOG - I read this as well, and was fully expecting a post from you on the subject.
If you would care to re-read it, you will see that this is a 'proposal' - in other words, it's an idea, something someone is thinking, but that is a universe away from it actually happening.
The Mail has jumped on it because it knows full well that if it words its piece carefully, and doesn't draw attention to the 'proposal' aspect of this guff, its readers will be delighted to get their trolleys in a twist because migrants are getting one over on the indigenous population again.
Anyone reading it with an ounce of detachment can clearly see it for what it is, poking the Middle England bear, which is so easy, it makes for slack journalism in the silly season.
It's nonsense, it's a puff piece, and the Pavlovian response has duly happened.
Next week, read about Andy Hughes's 'proposal' to date Kylie Minogue!!!