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Looks Like I Wrong About North Korea Yesterday

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scooping | 07:03 Sun 03rd Sep 2017 | News
41 Answers
Wasn't convinced they had The Bomb. Looks like they have. And the ICBM could, apparently,m hit The States. This is terribly serious stuff.


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Scoops....yes, very worrying :::
It's what happens when powerful nations allow things to develop after being given ample evidence where it was all heading. Getting beyond the scope of a covert op or two now. There needs to be international agreement on the next step, whatever they decide.
ten times more powerful than previously

well the two superpowers have stood by and twiddled their thumbs and now they have to shape up
Who is providing NK with the materials to make these bombs?
I see this thread has engendered the standard shouts of 'something must be done' without one single suggestion of what that something should have been / should be. No I don't have any answers, before you ask. Does anyone, even the worlds governments?
Zacs....I too, are not sure what the answer is.

But I would hope that diplomacy can still help, as the alternative of military action is just too dreadful for contemplate. I still think that China must hold an important key here.
Zac they have tried Sanctions, Chins has the friendliness to comment & advise, this clown the haircut will take no heed & not bothered about his ( as he calls them ) People, he has played with fire but the fire is too big & powerfull, I think NK is going to pay a hard price & many are going to ;loose their life's unless a brave person saves the life's of millions.
You really want folk to suggest any of the possible options here, Zacs ?

I'm sure we're all aware of possibilities, but it's up to those in power to cone to a consensus, or maybe a power go risk unilateral action.
China would prefer a NK with nuclear capablity as the alternative would be a chaotic Korean peninsular with possibly millions of NK refugees coming across their border, and the West holding a balance of power. Now Kim J has got his "complete" nuclear capability hopefully he will be able to negotiate from a position of power. I don't think he's the nutcase he's been portrayed as.
-- answer removed -- you think that millions of possible refugees are going to head north into China, rather than south ?
Of course he's not a nutcase.
Everything ever reported about him points to a well balanced individual with only the best of intentions.

Whatever became of 'Starwars' the American defence screen that would shoot down incoming missiles?
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you can tell that's a functioning bomb can you? looks like a load a bits bolted together from the NK branch of B&Q.
Didn't Reagan's 'star wars' get canned because the Russians didn't like it ? Apparently research into more powerful attack weaponry to kill military and civilians alike, is fine, but don't dare try to research into defence to protect the citizens.
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I'm not worried lozzy, the septics will toast the place at the first sign of anything beyond posturing and the tiddly's will let them.

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