This is probably wasted: The highest life expectancy, the best health service results, the widest spread education, the best prospects for starting/succeeding with a business (there is a term used which I can't think of at the moment), the highest productivity, the highest per capita income, the lowest unemployment, the smallest gender equality gap, the greatest social equality, the greatest press/reporting freedom/effectiveness, the most peaceful society, etc., etc. is not in the UK "by miles" (none of them or lots more besides). In such comparisons the UK is consistently behind those with whom the UK would like to compare itself (and other countries less admired by the UK too). Having a large military, being better a spying, having some notably successful sports people does not alter that. Having discovered or invented things in the past does not make it a better place now than it clearly is and the odd future discovery or invention is not in itself going to put the UK ahead of those who manage their societies better for their people.