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Yes I wonder if he had to drop his ladder and bucket, so as to take his son to school on the cross bar of his bike?
Unfortunately I don't think I will ever get to see him wave at royal Ascot as King :0(

Life is such a beech
But is Ecclescakes' window cleaner doomed to endure the gawping of the hoi polloi throughout his life?
I haven't seen the pictures of the little prince but Luke 22:42 comes to mind.
Who is Luke and what did he post at nearly quarter to eleven?
Well suppose georgie porgie is on the first rung of the ladder Oldgit.
blimey sandy, what sort of school have they sent the poor little mite to?
I'm sure it's not Dotheboys Hall, but I was thinking of the role a cruel and capricious fate has thrust upon him in later life.
Awww... sweet :-). I hope he enjoys it.
Shame his Mum wasn't well enough to be there too, wish him well.
I echo what Barsel said at 11:10.
Ahhh. He's just a baby.

Gawd, there are some real miseries on here!
I can see the Private Eye headline:

"Boy goes to school"
Private Eye headline should surely be

'Brenda's great-grandson starts school'

Still don't know if Miss Headmistress took the hand of every other child starting that day.
as Islay says, the press are invited in to record rites of passage, and starting school is one, in return for staying out of the way the rest of the time. I think that's a fair enough bargain. I wonder if schools still provide whipping boys for royals?
she did when I started school, alba, it was standard practice. (And that school didn't even charge 18p a year, let alone £18,000.)
jno, did you and I have the same headmistress?
Mine was lovely, unfortunately can't remember her name
This argument crops up every time a royal starts school.

Yes, millions of other children started today, but they are not in direct line to the throne of England.

George is Prince George, and as such, he is not a child attending school, he is a royal child attending school, and that, like it nor not, makes it newsworthy.

Those who are not interested, like me, can simply ignore it.
He'll be off to Eton before we know it. (Or where ever he's going.)
Yes, a very wealthy, privileged child attends school.

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Prince George Arrives For His First Day At School.

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