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Loosehead | 16:17 Mon 24th Oct 2005 | News
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What do ABers think of the latest attempt by the PC brigade to take offence on behalf of a group they assume should be offended?

"Bank bans piggy banks in case they offend Islam!"

Covered in several papers today.



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Its yet another part of the plans to rid and destroy all vestiges of this countries white northern european heritage, which without it these people would be nowhere.

If you dont like it leave

One eyed man thankyou for answering my question. That's right you don't see many Korean or Cuban muslims do you. Likewise we are hardly at war with Korea or Cuba are we? Ermmm wonder if there could be a link.

Further without nit-picking what does "you can't be english and religious" mean? I can't really fight my corner if I don't have a clue what you are harping on about can I?

As with regards to the Koran being anti-west did I not make it clear in plain English that it was one interpretation?

One eyed man, you really want to go and sort your one good eye out. Then you may see the foolish and traitorous things you write.

Churchill (God bless his soul) would turn in his grave if he could only hear you!

P.S I wager my life the next war will be against Iran. You will be surprised to learn, dear One eyed man, that it's another islamic country. What a coincidence eh?

The one good thing I can say about you WM is that I am so glad you are giving your kids a good education. I can only hope that they can see through your bigotry and racism. And just becasue you are married to someone black does not mean you are not racist.

Hopefully your children will also be able to give logical arguments rahter than just refer to people who don't agree with your bigotry as "stupid, pathetic folk"

If you think this country should go to war with all muslims because there are some Islamic extremists then I pity you. Should we have gone to war with the Vatican as the IRA (who killed more people in this country that any Islamic terrorists) were Catholic?

I'm also fascinated to know why you think I am a traitor - the second time you have accused me of that.

You see, I am willing to call you a racist bigot as your first post suggests that Muslims are all asylum seekers and on dole,  your second posts suggest that we are at war with Islam, and your fourth post refers to anyone who disagrees with you as 'stupid, pathetic folk' . So again, how exactly am I traitorous?

as you said one eyed man, it's all suggestion.

Again, I wish not to turn this into a personal argument because you neither have the intelligence nor open-mindedness to consider anything I may "suggest". Alas I know I have won whatever argument you give as yet again you bring my children into the equation.

PS Muslim/Islam is a RELIGION not a RACE. Minor point I know, but one which you have clearly failed to grasp.

PPS this is about the 4th time you have have pity for me. I am beginning to feel quite honoured.

Change the record dear boy. Maybe invest in a CD player?

I love the way you don't want to turn this into a personal argumen - after you have called me a traitor (and still refuse to say how you got there), a fool as well as stupid and pathetic.

Race: A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution. I'd class Islam as a common history. As you also note, most of the middle eastern countries are Muslim - a common geographic distribution.

Race & religion are very intwinned especially in the middle east - a point you have clearly failed to grasp.

I would also point out that you are the one who brings your children into the equation - after all how would I know that you send them to a private school if you didn't keep mentioning it?

Public school dear boy, public school. X
Dear WM,

A small observation, if I may. Although you normally play the swivel-eyed, mentally-unstable loon to perfection, your characterization is unconvincing when you pretend that Ward-Minter as an ex-forces man wouldn't know the countries the UK was actually at war with. It really jarred with the usual excellent portrayal you do of vapid bigotry. But the stuff where the steam comes out of your nostrils and you get more and more irrational is great. Keep that up.

Iraq and Afghanistan????  Do they not count as war then??? How strange.

Ward-Minter, I ask again, when was war declared?

Just a small point...both the 'war' in Afghanistan and the one in Iraq are now officially over. Its just that the fighting hasn't stopped.

Ssshhh! Don't tell WM; it'll be a terrible shock to him - he still thinks we have an empire.
Waldo, the Empire is a bingo hall now........

Try Google 'cos I really can't be bothered to get you exact dates.

Mmmm Army sent via Tony Blair on approval by the Queen to other land to exact the Queen's Peace (Under War Act 1917, article 1)

27 Soldiers killed in Afghanistan 73 in Iraq. (so far) If thats not war I woul hate to live in peace. Fools and peasants the lot of ya!

Over 700 troops killed in Ireland, so I assume we are at war with the Irish as well.

Both countries now have new governments and therefore we are not at war with the countries anymore. In particular Iraq war officially ended on 1 May 2003.

This is the definition from

Forget what is official or not. If this definition does not fit WAR then I am more stupid than you make me out. try seeing thing outside the little "oficial" boxes you love putting yourselves into.

A state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties.
The period of such conflict.
The techniques and procedures of war; military science.

A condition of active antagonism or contention: a war of words; a price war.
A concerted effort or campaign to combat or put an end to something considered injurious: the war against acid rain.

PS One eyed man. I have lost friends in NI and yes it was war. We were NOT AT war but to the armed services we were IN a war. If that's not proof enough why do the widows/ers get a WAR PENSION??
I agree, WM. Why let facts get in the way, eh?

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