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Have The Left Lost The Plot?

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Spicerack | 08:31 Wed 20th Sep 2017 | News
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Cloverjo Most people in the US wanted Hillary. I'm just about to start reading her new book. Looking forward to it. It was his fault It was her fault It was their fault It wasn't my fault A quick synopsis to save you the time, Cloverjo.
10:32 Wed 20th Sep 2017
Mikey, //do you really expect this award ceremony to be stuffed full of the KKK, American Nazi Party, etc ?//

Good grief! Someone’s lost the plot! It was said on another thread that you were on your high horse again. Yep – the usual pantomime horse.

I agree with sqad at 09:46.
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"So she won the vote that didn't really count for anything?"

Yes, but the main point is that more people did vote for Hillary, by quite some margin, and it's worth bearing that in mind if you want to try and bang on (wrongly) about how popular Trump is. His supporters are loud, but rather fewer in number than they are given credit for.
Jim, //His supporters are loud...//

But not as loud as the opposition. He's the elected President. Accept it.
I think everyone has accepted it. Doesn't mean they have to like him.
What do you mean by "accept it"? I accept that he's the legitimate president; I don't accept that the system he won under is fair, but it doesn't affect the fact that it's the one he was elected under. And I certainly don't have to accept his policies, positions, and bluster.
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Both main US parties aren't really "left", in a UK sense at least, so it's no surprise. The fallout between the actual Left and the Democrats probably came to a head when Bernie Sanders was running for candidacy, and he really *is* a leftist candidate -- not a Commie and not as left-wing as Corbyn but about as close as you can get in the US. But anyway, he lost to Hillary and I don't think that his supporters, at least not his most passionate ones, will ever quite forgive the Democratic Party for that.
Jim, //I certainly don't have to accept his policies, positions, and bluster. //

Actually, yes you do. You can moan about all of that as much as you like .... for what good it does you.
Have we become the 51st state all of a sudden?
OK sure, I can just abandon everything I stand for.

Or, not. I don't have to accept them anyway because, as you may or may not be aware, he's not actually my president.
Most people in the US wanted Hillary. I'm just about to start reading her new book. Looking forward to it.

It was his fault
It was her fault
It was their fault
It wasn't my fault

A quick synopsis to save you the time, Cloverjo.
Jim, //he's not actually my president. //

Hurrah! The penny appears to have finally dropped!
Good youtube link that, Spicerack.
Very informative.
It seemed to have escaped your notice Naomi when you suggested jim had to accept his policies:

Jim: I certainly don't have to accept his policies, positions, and bluster.

Naomi: Actually, yes you do.
I have literally no idea what your point is, Naomi. Trump is a world leader and, therefore, subject to criticism and comment from everyone. Especially when he says or does things that are worth criticising or commenting on.
I think a better summary, CD, is

"It was my fault. But there was more to it than that."
I think a better summary, CD, is
And I think you mean Talbot! LOL
Zacs, I’m well aware that Trump isn’t Jim’s president which is why I fail to see the point in him constantly whining about it.. And yes, Jim does have to accept Trump’s policies, positions, and bluster - simply because nothing Jim does or says will change any of it.

Jim, //I have literally no idea what your point is, Naomi.//

See above.
My mistake, CD and Talbot -- sorry, you'd both posted recently and I transposed names and avatars in my head.

Also, Naomi, that's just total guff. I'll comment on Trump as I see fit -- I don't have any illusion that any of what I say will matter, least of all to Trump, but so bloody what? None of what we say on AB about anything political matters. But we talk about it all the same.

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