Incredible, What Does This Tell Us About The U S ? in The AnswerBank: News
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Incredible, What Does This Tell Us About The U S ?

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ToraToraTora | 15:53 Mon 02nd Oct 2017 | News
19 Answers
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"It is thought the rise is down to an anticipated rush to buy weapons as people fear a tightening of gun control laws." - Fear?! unbelievable!
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In 1993 I had an H1B visa, I was seriously considering taking up a permanent position in the US. What an escape! the place is fundamentally broken.
It tells us that atrocities such as this will continue to occur until America can rid itself of its' fascination with guns.
Trump must change the lenient gun laws in America ?
I can't say it any better than Jack and Anne have.
The Americans (at least a large majority of them) believe in the 'right to bear and keep arms' so things will never change ...
Regardless of the law, those who want to use guns for criminal purposes will get them. Criminals don't apply for licences.
Have you forgotten the Hungerford Massacre and what about Dunblane?
I rather like the US and most of the Americans and particularly their work ethic. I find a high standard of living and a philosophy of meritocracy.
I was advised to go to the U.S to work, but din't take the chance and have regretted that decision for the most of my life.
Guns? a difficult one.
It isn’t only criminals who use guns. That’s the thing. America’s gun laws mean that for every law abiding ordinary Joe or Jane who owns a gun, possibly because they think they need one, there is s small chance one of them will flip. And then it’s all too easy. As we see
Stupid answer on the other thread
// If only those 50 dead people had have had guns... I hope the authorities take notice and make carry guns compulsory. //

Gun owners in America now have eight weapons on average - double what it used to be.

> Guns? a difficult one.

Why so?

Personally I'm against giving all citizens the right to bear arms. And so is Trump, obviously. Otherwise, logically, he would be suggesting that every country in the world, including North Korea, should have nuclear weapons. I don't see much difference between all nations (including rogue nations) owning nukes and all citizens (including rogue citizens) owning guns. It's the same argument, on a larger scale. In fact, a nation is less likely to use a nuke than a citizens is to use a gun. Only one nation has ever fired a nuke in anger, and we all know which one that was ...
naomi In Nevada you can buy unlimited numbers of guns and ammunition and you don't even need to register them anywhere.
You can just walk into a shop, show ID such as a driving licence and walk out with a machine gun and 10,000 rounds of ammunition.
Nevada has the most liberal gun laws in the USA.

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ellipsis, congrats, never hear such a pile of cockeyed illogical drivel in my life.
Unfortunately it isn't purely a matter of legal controls on guns (though that is an extremely serious problem), it's also about the weird and seriously unhealthy worship of guns and violence which takes place in that culture. In particular the way that lobbyists even resist things like background checks, restrictions on magazine size, and mental health checks.

I have been to America a few times and there are plenty of nice things about it. But I wouldn't live there either 3T.
What's illogical about it TTT?

Just in case you read it wrong, I'm against citizens owning guns and rogue states owning nukes ...
If I'm honest, since Congress diabolically and shamefully ruled out action even after the Sandy Hook massacre I'm afraid I'm pretty much completely desensitised to any subsequent event of a similar nature in the US.
Eddie at 18:25, your point being? The simple fact is that regardless of the law people who intend using guns for illegal purposes will get guns. That is not to say that gun laws should not be tightened.
I think it tells us that the USoA values self sufficiency above community. It wants all to have the right to protect themselves, above a community being safer and taking lower risks of such incidents. It's probably a result of their dominant right wing values for the individual, and rejection of left wing restrictions applied for the benefit of the group as a whole.

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