well since it wont be a case in the UK
we can discuss the matters that we see
to our hearts content
Beeb had an interview this am with a New Z actress who had locked herself in the bathroom to get away from Fat Boys wiles
- and then she came out - having persuaded him to don more than an open fronted bath robe
and Nagger Manchettys man friend asked breathlessly
and did you leave the room
Answer - "no I couldnt" ( erk what was that ? - door, lock or - unlock, go out, scream, go doolally....)
and then she stayed because she felt sorry for him !
oo-er mrs did I hear that right ? oh and she wasnt a screamer too apparently
and the interview and victim went on to discuss how she had not been heard for 20 y and how heart breaking etc etc
anyway he has admitted he has issues....
and whoever drew the line with Roman Polanski - shame on him !
Harvey made sure all the women he distressed had finished secondary school