TTT - // So(yes so!) unless you are a veggie you are not allowed to feel any outrage at the killing of wild animals, often endangered species, for profit or sport. //
Of course you are, you are entitled to feel any way you like about anything.
// I'm not allowed to hate the way cecil the lion was murdered, by some inadequate dentist so he could get a trophy, I am not allowed to feel for the elephant electrocuted as mentioned above or indeed the senseless killing of this Rhino. All because I eat meat, I am not allowed any of these feelings. //
To repeat, you are absolutely entitled to feel any way you like about the deaths of these animals, and the reasons behind them.
My point - and I will repeat it again, is that if you protest as publicly and vehemently as you have about these deaths, and you are not a vegetarian, them you are a hypocrite.
I am a meat eater, and I do feel shocked and appalled by the scenarios we all hear about - but as a meat eater, you will never find me shouting my outrage on here, or anywhere else, because to do so would make me a hypocrite, and I try not to do that.
By all means be angry, but you must also accept that you are not entitled to claim the moral high ground here, because you contribute directly to exactly the same sort of animal death for exactly the same reasons.
//Right oh Andy, you're losing it! //
I disagree.