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Britain And The Eu Agree ‘Divorce’ Bill

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sp1814 | 18:48 Tue 28th Nov 2017 | News
68 Answers
Good news?

At least we’re definitely moving forward.

Sorry it’s the Telegraph (paywall). It’s their exclusive at the moment.


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Harry is rich enough to pay for his own wedding!
Mikey, //I don't see that we, the tax payers, should spend very much, if anything, on Harry's wedding.//

The Royal family are paying for his wedding.
Good...glad to hear it !
Could cancel the Brexit negotiating team to save money. This lot are compulsive blinkers.
OG //Could cancel the Brexit negotiating team to save money.//
The replacement team could be led by, Priti Patel, J. Rees-Mogg with Nigel Farage as special consultant, - sorted!
"What's the Harry/Meghan thing, by the way?"

Oh please, spare us the 'I'm above all that' pose, I smell burning pants.
the smell has perhaps made your irony detector malfunction, douglas?
Uk population 66.5mln into 55bln = how much each?
Khanro.....Priti Patel was sacked ( sorry, "resigned" ) and Farage has never managed to get himself a seat in Westminster, despite trying 6/7 times. Rees-Mogg is far too weird to be anything more important than a camera-friendly West Country MP.

What a "team" they would make !
it's not going to be paid at once, it'll be done in instalments as payments fall due. This means it's impossible to calculate how much it will come to, as Britain will be paying in pounds a bill written out in euros; everything then depends on the exchange rate on the day. If sterling's slide continues, the cost gets higher.

The FT suggests that, in effect, nobody will know the final sum until the last EU pensioner is dead.
gromit: "Confirmation of the utter contempt that they have for the Brotish Public. Brexit is looking more and more like a big con. " - looked in the mirror lately?
Rees Mogg believes Parliament has a right to know what's in the Brexit impact reports, so he's hardly a Brexiter's dream leader.
jno....yes, I agree.....Rees-Mogg is one of Mrs May's worst nightmares at the present time......a clever Tory, who disagrees with her !
If nations that were formally in th e EU are expected to continue contributing to pensions, does that mean that any new joiner nations are inevitably exempt from having to pay ?

One other way we might know the final bill would be to wait until the whole edifice collapses and there is no EU to pay grand pensions.
depends on the details of the pension arrangement, OG, but I would imagine members pay pensions to those who qualify during their membership but not before or after (I assume new members would sign up to the same deal as Britain did). But that's just a guess.

However, I apologise for leaving out a significant word - it's the pensions of EU officials, not just everyone living in the EU.
It just unbelievably contrasts with the rest of us. When an employee and employer part company neither carry on paying into the pension scheme that was active when they were together. It is frozen as is and the employee looks for a further scheme. But here... whether it was a con when drawn up, or a con now there's someone leaving, it's still a con.
a pensioner who leaves his employer can go on drawing the pension he's already accumulated, though. I think that's what this amounts to. He doesn't become ineligible till he dies (or his widow dies, or whatever the specific arrangement is)
I have never had an issue with paying Pensions for OUR MEP's. I do have a problem with paying for Junkers. Money we have paid in already should have been set aside for his tenure to date so why should we pay going forward? And that seems to be what is happening.

The figure appears to be 100bn EUR gross netted to circa 50bn, although this figure is paid over a number of years.

Personally I would go with Pritti and tel the EU to "Sod off". There is still hope in that the Irish will veto anything but I suspect the EU will lean on them now they have the brass in their greasy palms.

If it's already accumulated then it attracts no further financial input from the UK. So I can't see it being similar.
I cannot see what the fuss is about with the Irish border, If the north leave and the south remains, there simply HAS to be some form of border, as there is with other countries which border on the EU.
What does the EU or anyone else expect to happen otherwise?

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